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Pak support to fundamentalists may threaten bilateral dialogue | | | Repeated catcalls from some known fundamentalists and extremists,who are allowed to roam freely in Pakistan, seem to raise the level of mistrust between India and Pakistan the two nations that have been striving for promoting cordial ties.Is it possible for New Delhi to fully respond to any move from Islamabad for promoting friendly relations in the context of the repeated threats of jihad from prominent fundamentalists like Hafiz Saeed and Masood Azhar ? Though possibilities for improving ties between the two sides seem to be bleak still New Delhi has decided to engage Islamabad in sustained process of dialogue.What seems to have irked New Delhi is the way Hafiz Saeed has issued threats of Jihad against India.He has praised the Pathankot air base attack in India last month that threatened to scupper peace efforts between the nuclear rivals.Hafiz Saeed, alleged mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai attacks and leader of the banned Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) group, encouraged further violence following the air base assault in Pathankot that left seven Indian soldiers dead. If New Delhi feels enraged it is but natural because Saeed has indulged in lies by ,alleging that eight lakh Indian troops were committing genocide on Kashmiris. Don't they have a right to carry out Pathankot style attacks for their defence?This is the question posed by Saeed when the reality is different. There are fundamentalists and extremists active on either side of the LOC who keep on trying to scuttle any process of dialogue between India and Pakistan.While Saeed and Masood Azhar keep on encouraging militants who are engaged in triggering violence in Jammu and Kashmir, senior Hurriyat leader, Syed Ali Shah Geelani is adept in issuing sermons to people and to militants on some do's and don't's If a Pakistani Parliamentary panel has suggested to Islamabad to stop providing any moral and material support to militants,operating in Jammu and Kashmir, Geelani has pooh-poohed the panel's recommendations on the plea that groups of youth holding guns were not militants but freedom fighters.What an argument ? In fact guntotting boys would have never surfaced in Kashmir right from 1988-89 had not they received moral,diplomatic and material support from Pakistan.And despite the passage of over 26 years militants continue to trigger incidents of violence.Though the number of incidents of violence has declined during the last about seven to eight years still they try to register their presence by launching an armed attack on security convoy, pickets or bases.And despite upgrading the border management militants keep sneaking into Jammu and Kashmir in two's and three's. They do so to destabilize peace. While the Government of India and the establishment in Jammu and Kashmir have allowed freedom of speech and movement to separatists,notwithstanding the fact that on occasions they are placed under house arrest,in Pakistan the establishment in Islamabad and Muzaffarabad have failed to concede India's one-point demand for punishing perpetrators of 2008 Mumbai terror strike and the one on the Pathankot air base last month.If Hafiz Saeed and Masood Azhar are free men, it is part of anti-India stance adopted by Islamabad and Muzaffarabad.If separatists like Geelani and other hardliners among the hurriyat conference leaders are free it is the result of respect for democracy. Hence if there are incidents of some human rights violations they are the result of activities and plans of militants.These militants provoke security forces to retaliate against terrorists and if some civilians suffer because of the counter insurgency operations militants and Pakistani agencies should be blamed .Let Islamabad and Muzaffarabad tame some of the known fundamentalists and extremists which could prove key to peace in the south Asian region. It seems that if people like Saeed and Azhar are allowed freedom of speech and movement it is a calculated move on the part of Islamabad and the Army to keep potential mischief mongers in good humour so that they keep on providing support to militants operating in Jammu and Kashmir.
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