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Flood occur due to lack of proper drainage system: Experts | | | Early Times Report Srinagar, July 28: As heavy rains caused massive destruction in Jammu city and washed away two minor girls in a flooded lane at Janipura yesterday, the experts Thursday raised eyebrows over the government claims that it had made a comprehensive master plan for drainage and sewage problems of the Jammu and Srinagar cities. A retired executive engineer of housing and urban department said that there was a lack of comprehensive drainage system for Jammu and Srinagar cities and the existing system faced severe flooding problem during monsoons."Since the drainage channels of the twin cities have been blocked and there is unplanned urbanization and encroachment, floods occur during monsoons almost every year," he added. He said that due to the dumping of solid waste and inflow of household sullage, drains get blocked in Jammu city. He stressed the need for a complete planning and development of the comprehensive drainage system for Jammu and Srinagar. Sources said that there was no comprehensive policy on providing basic services to all urban areas as of now. "There is no separate department within the Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) that deals with such issues," sources said. As per the data available, the total drainage lengths in the Jammu city is 3,028 km. The open drains are 90 per cent, while the closed are 10 per cent. Total 93.75 km of the drains were built by the JMC with a total investment of Rs 1,406.52 lakh out of its own sources. Sources said that after the September 2014 floods, though the government overhauled the drainage system, most of the sewage management infrastructure remained untouched. The citizens of both the cities have expressed concern over unsatisfactory condition of the drainage system. "After the rains on Wednesday, the Jammu areas were flooded. Water entered the residential houses, resulting in damage of their household articles. No de-siltation work has been done in the Jammu city areas. If the work would have been done, things would have been different on the ground," a local resident of Janipur said. Experts said that similar situation was being faced by the people in Srinagar city. "Poor drainage system was responsible for flood like situation in April last year. The improvisation of drainage system should have been the top priority of the government but the authorities are in deep slumber," they said. They said that the poor drainage system has always been exposed during the rains when roads remain inundated under water for weeks and there seems no mechanism how to drain out the water from the streets and residential houses in Srinagar city. The September floods according to officials further worsened the drainage system of the state. "No new major drainage works have been started in aftermath of the floods. Even by the partial downpour, the Srinagar city witnesses water logging and many parts remain inundate in water for days," the official said. "It has been learnt that around 500 drainage schemes were started over the years but less than 200 have been completed while work on other schemes has been stopped due to non-releasing of funds." Sources claimed. "The Roads and Buildings department has been constructing roads in various areas of the state without drainage system. "The restoration of drainage system and road macdamization should have been done simultaneously. But the government seems to be interested more in road macdamization than further improving the drainage system," a senior official of SMC said.
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