Early Times Report
Jammu, August 30: LIC employees organized a rally against the neo liberal economic policies of NDA government, outside LIC office at rail head complex Jammu, today. The rally was lead by Divisional secretary NZIEA Srinagar division, Pawan Gupta While speaking on the occasion he lambasted on the central government and announced that the insurance employees working in LIC and GIC under the banner of all India insurance employees association will observe one day strike on 2nd September 2016 as a part of national strike call given by central trade unions, industrial federations and associations. The strike is in support of 12 point character on central trade unions and a large number of industrial federations and associations, the main demands being containing price rise, unemployment, enforcement of labor laws, universal social security cover for all workers, minimum wages of not less than 18000/per months, etc said by Join secretaries NZIEA Srinagar division, Romesh Chand and Rajesh Gupta while addressing media. Prominent among those who spoke on the occasion included Neelam Sharma, raj kumar Sharma, dinesh Sharma, rajesh kumar, karan kumar besides others. |