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Intelligence agencies warn of violent protests ahead of all-party delegation's visit
8/31/2016 12:09:22 AM
Early Times Report
Jammu, Aug 30: The intelligence agencies have warned of spurt in the violence ahead of the all-party delgation's visit to the Srinagar on Sept 2. The agencies have warned that there could be more violent protests and also terrorist strikes with the objective to de-railing the process of bringing in peace in the valley.
"We have definite inputs that there will be more violent protests aimed to provoke fatal action by the police and security forces. They are being planned with the twin objectives first is to derail the peace process and secondly to scare away people from meeting the delegates by confining them to their homes. We have received specific inputs and have shared with the state government," said a senior official.
The intelligence sources said that they have received definite inputs and also intercepted coded messages from the handlers of the protests sitting across the border to not let the peace set-in at any cost and completely derail the all party delegation's visit to the valley. "The Pakistan has now got many stakes in the present crisis. The peace process has started and curfew lifted when the Pakistan has started raking up the issue at the international level, so it can't afford to have peace in the valley which will paradoxically derail its process of blaming India for the violence in the Kashmir," said the official.
The state government and the intelligence agencies are working in tandem and it's for this reason that some arrests are being made and also that NIA team is camping in the valley to further expose the designs of the Pakistan which has started pinching the separatist leadership.
The sources said that all possible steps will be in place to make visit a success and also that stakes of civil society will be made in the peace of the valley and this is already started showing a bit of results.
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