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Transformation in Society through Education | | Dr. Banarsi Lal | 10/4/2016 10:11:52 PM |
| Education is a never-ending process and this process begins right from conception up to the last breath of an individual. It is generally assumed that education comes to an end when we leave our college or university but it is forgotten that we learn something in every moment of life. There is much education beyond grade, degree or four walls of the class room. Mother is the first teacher of a child and what he learns from her is absorbed in his/her character throughout life. It is difficult to unlearn what we learn throughout our life. That is why we give great importance on pre-primary education. Nursery schools and kindergartens lay the groundwork for the full development of the child. At home the child learns the discipline, love for parents and his siblings, love for other forms of life, respect of elders, sense of hygiene and cleanliness, punctuality, hospitality, observation and concentration, keeping balance in failure and success and developing fascination for the world. Such children develop a healthy personality throughout their life. A healthy mind and body and proper emotional control over bleak and bright situations are must for right personality development. Education that begins at home in the lap of mother, grandmother or grandfather and carried on in the kindergarten, the primary and secondary schools and later in the centres of higher education, should encourage the youths to face the most difficult situations in life. The students should have the ability to find out new opportunities in every adversity. Every difficulty should be faced with courage. The success stories of great scientists, explorers, mountaineers, spiritual leaders and army commanders show that they pursued their goals relentlessly crossing one hurdle after another. If we observe the success stories of great scholars, they never lost their temper even in adverse situations. They plodded on and on until they succeed. They always show their inborn courage and perseverance. We have seen that even the physically handicapped and old persons of 70 years of age scaling the conquest of Mt.Everest. In battles, we have seen a single soldier taking on many on the enemy front before laying down his own life in the face of overwhelming odds. The Tiananmen Square, a square in the centre of Beijing, attracted thousands of protesters of the emerging pro-democracy movement. The protest was suppressed when troops opened fire, killing over 2000 students. But there is still a picture of a lone student standing in front of a rolling armoured carrier daring the men atop to kill him. A lone ranger against a ruthless regime. Try, try again may be a cliche but this cliche is a living truth in the lives of many great men. We can take the example of Gandhiji. His entire life is an example of dogged perservance to attain the chosen goal of freedom for his country. His trials were initiated from the time he started Satyagraha movement in South Africa for the civil rights of non-Whites. Once he was thrown out of a train compartment, while in possession of a valid ticket because he was non-White but he could never be cowed down. He fought against racial discrimination in South Africa and later in India until he secured his goal. The entire freedom struggle has been synonymous with the unchallengeable courage and perservance of one man. Helen Keller, the great American who was blind, deaf and mute, once said: "When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life or in the life of another." Concentration is one of the greatest traits in personality development. We are succeeded when our mind is totally attenuated to a single pursuit. In Bhagvad Gita, Lord Krishna has said to Arjuna that whosoever contemplates on Him with undivided concentration can be assured of his Yogakhema (preserving what the devotee has got and giving him what he has not). According to Swami Vivekananda: "All knowledge that we have, either of the external or internal world, is obtained through only one method-by the concentration of mind. No knowledge can be gained unless we can concentrate our minds upon the subject. The astronomer concentrates his mind through the telescope…and so on. In the lives of all great men, past or present, we find this tremendous power of concentration". Those persons who are totally dedicated towards their work can have the concentration. Knowledge can be gained by the concentration. Man is blessed with the limitless power of concentration can achieve things incomprehensible for frail minds. We are totally ignorant of the enormous powers inherent in us. We are like the musk deer with fragrance inside, who does not know where the fragrance comes from. We are also having hidden potential of a Gandhiji, a Leo Tolstoy, a Rabindranath Tagore, an Einstein, a Bill Gates etc. but must learn to tap it in order to bring forth our tremendous personality. Education develops our sensitivity to the outside problems. Life does not mean to live for oneself and ignore the pleas from our brethren for a helping hand. God gives us opportunity to help the others and we should utilize it to the fullest extent. Our well educated officials must remember that even the slightest dereliction of duty on their part would cause irreparable damage to the country. They are accountable to the people they serve. Education teaches us the duties we need to perform. Education has made little difference to our attitude towards women. Bridegrooms are still available for sale and are available to the biggest bidders. There are different rates for eligible boys in the matrimonial market. There are different rates for IAS officers, engineers, doctors, MBAs, MCAs etc. Even if a girl is educated, the boys' parents demand dowry. What is the purpose of education if the society still looks down upon woman as a lesser citizen? There is no use of ones intellect if we do not know the respect of a woman. We find many instances of ministers and high officials found guilty of sexual harassment at work place. There are several cases of humiliation suffered by women officials but only few dare to report against their senior officials. Real education should create the conditions for the development of a wholesome personality of an individual so that he/she can contribute his best to the family, society and country. |
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