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Edu Deptt fails to provide monitoring grants to schools | "Spends Rs 5 Cr for other administrative purposes' | | Arun Singh Early Times Report Jammu, Oct 4: The inefficiency of the education department can be gauged from the fact that grant in crores meant for Management Monitoring and Evaluation of Mid-Day Meal programme did not percolate down to schools and was used for other administrative affairs of the department. Sources told Early Times that the basic objective of providing grant under Management Monitoring and Evaluation of mid day meal was aimed at ensuring transparency and factual position on the ground at the schools level regarding implementation of mid day meal programme ostensibly to woo the students and for their good health. "As per Mid Day Meal guidelines of 2006 which envisage the central assistance to States for Management Monitoring and Evaluation at the rate of 1.8 per cent of the total assistance and the grant is not meant for cost of food grains, transport cost, cooking cost, and honorarium to cook-cum-helper," they informed. The guidelines of the scheme further envisage that, 50 per cent of the funds were required to be spent by the schools but against Rs 6 crore available under the component of Management Monitoring and Evaluation, the expenditure of Rs 5 crore was incurred during last five years by the Department. It may be shocking but it is fact according to sources that Rs 5 Cr was incurred at Directorate, District and Zonal levels of the department depriving the schools for its optimum utilization in terms of taking measures for the Management Monitoring and Evaluation of the Mid Day Meal programme. Sources further said that it is apprehended that Education Department is hand in glove with its subordinate wings like Directorate, District, Zonal offices to confine the utility of monitoring and evaluation grant up to their level defeating the basic purpose of ensuring accountability and transparency of the grant at the ground level where the mid day meal programe is implemented. It is general notion of the public that the grants meant for Mid Day Meal are often swindled at the lower level drawing flak of general public and it was to take care of this aspect that the government of India put into operation the monitoring and evaluation head providing crores for ensuring proper monitoring of the scheme at the grass root level. |
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