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CEET organizes teachers training workshop
10/4/2016 11:38:08 PM
Early Times Report

Jammu, Oct 4: Centre for Environment Education and Training, India (J&K) in partnership with Centre for Environment Education Ahmedabad and WIPRO organized one day teacher's training workshop jointly with the department of Environmental Sciences Jammu University today. Padamshree S.P.Verma President Gandhi Global Family J&K was the Chief Guest and Chander Mohan Sharma Convenor Tawi Andolan and Namami Ganga Mission and Dr. Seema Rohmetra Co -ordinator Gandhi Peace Foundation were the Guests of Honour.
More than sixty teachers from government and private schools, members of Tawi Andolan, Tawi Study Circle and prominent NGOs attended the workshop.
Workshop had two sessions. The inaugural session covered lectures on United Nations seventeen sustainable goals. Second session was on the orientation and practical training of teachers on EARTHIAN project on collection of field data and its interpretation in the form of project reports on two themes of Biodiversity and Water. Teachers showed keen interest in the learning and analysis processes of the project. Prof. Deepika Salathia welcomed the participants.
In the inaugural session Prof. A.K.Raina HOD Environmental Sciences while speaking said that United Nations has laid down great responsibility on all of us to achieve its targets by 2030. Chander Mohan Sharma Convenor Tawi Andolan while speaking said that the NGO is working relentlessly for last three years for conservation of Suryaputri river Tawi through organizing awareness. Dr. Seema Rohmetra co-ordinator of Gandhi Peace Foundation said that their NGO is one of the oldest in India which works to promote Gandhi thought and philosophy of peace, co-existence, tolerance and conflict resolution through non-violence means.
Pramod Sharma Programme Co-ordinator CEE Ahmedabad said that CEE is a Centre of excellence of GOI and recognized by the United Nations to implement Goal number 4 of SDG on Environment Education.
Chief Guest said that Gandhi Global Family and Gandhi Peace Foundation has been recognized by the United Nations to implement all 17 targets through seventeen schools in J&K for which all the teachers should take up action oriented projects in their schools and communities to achieve SDGs. He presented SDGs achievement certificate to Chander Mohan Sharma convenor Tawi Andolan and Namami Ganga for his outstanding contribution
On behalf of United Nations Information Centre, New Delhi Padamshree S.P.Verma recognizing services of Dr.C.M.Seth an eminent environmentalist for his outstanding contribution in the area of environment conservation and education especially among youth and school students for last more than twenty five years, honoured him by presenting UN-India Connect Pin.
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