Early Times Report
Jammu, Dec 3: In order to spread Govt. of India's recently announced Pardhan Mantri Fasal Bima and Krishi Sinchayee Yojna, Start-up & Stand-up India, MUDRA and Social Security Scheme-Atal Pension Yojna,Jeevan Jyori Yojna and Suraksha Bima Yojna, NABARD a leader in Rural and Agriculture sector has embarked upon a noble mission of creating awareness among the rural people by spreading the awareness of these schemes and message of financial inclusion in every nook and corner of Doda. - SDM Gandoh Dalmir Choudhary was the Chief Guest on the occasion.The modus-operandi is to take bankers and officials of line departments to the door steps of the people in the inaccessible areas, create awareness about these schemes and provide banking facilities in their villages itself.