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Sub-offices defunct; JKAACL Secretary sitting like a ghost | Employees running shops, drawing salaries | | Syed Junaid Hashmi Early Times Report JAMMU, Dec 3: Prof. Aziz Hajni, a well-known writer and scholar is Secretary of Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages but contrary what he would propagate through his columns and speeches, he is seemingly dancing to the tunes of his political masters. He was appointed as Secretary of JKAACL on June 27, 2015 and it has more than one year since he assumed office but nothing much has changed. While the Academy has become den of intrigues, those working in the peripheries are enjoying their life to the fullest. Musical nights and musharia events are the activities which the academy believes are enough for the promotion and propagation of culture in the state. And if pressed further, even the literate and well-read Prof. Aziz Hajni would add that publishing of magazines, journals and books has doubled in the last one year. But when details were gathered from the peripheral area of Jammu district, it was found out that not much is being done to strengthen sub-offices across Jammu region and especially in the erstwhile District Doda, the basic building blocks of JKAACL. In the erstwhile District Doda, Hajni knows well that JKAACL has three sub-offices; one staffed and two others only on papers yet he has not moved an inch towards making these offices functional within shortest possible time. The noted literary figure and Secretary Prof. Aziz Hajni has no time either to read the repeated letters being written by civil society members and officials about the needs for making sub-offices functional. According to details gathered by Early Times, sub-office of JKAACL in Doda is in four room rented building with just four employees manning it. The four employees include a Special Officer for Cultural Activities (SOCA), an Assistant Cultural Officer (ACO) and two Junior Assistants. The office neither has a peon nor a sweeper and not even an assistant to help the officers in carrying out their day to day affairs effectively. Another sub-office is in Bhaderwah. It is also in a rented building but defunct. The sub-office was inaugurated by ex-Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad when he was in office. Since then, JKAACL has been regularly paying rent to the owner of the building but neither posting any staff nor even asking the officials in Doda Sub-Office to give-up the building so that further loss to the state exchequer could be the prevented. Hajni knows about financial position of JKAACL but has so far desisted from exhibiting the independence he always advocated through his write-ups and speeches. Had he even for once implemented on himself what he always advocated for others, JKAACL would have by now witnessed revolution, is what observers are saying? Things would have changed and situation would have improved to a large extent. The defunct Bhaderwah sub-office building would have been by now returned to the owner but for purely political reasons, state is being made to bear the losses unnecessarily. Don't delay payment of rent to the owner even if means stopping salary to an employee of the JKAACL, is what the directions are always from the top. Another strange story is of non-existent sub-office in Kishtwar. JKAACL made the announcement of sub-office in Kishtwar but is yet to either take a building on rent or construct one of its own. But the non-existent sub-office has 6 employees on its rolls. They include 3 senior assistants, store-keeper-cum-stock assistant, a sweeper and a stage-hand. These six employees are enjoying life to the fullest since their salaries are sent to the accounts while they neither have to attend any office or ensure their presence before any higher official. The functioning of Prof. Aziz Hajni, the known literary figure of Jammu and Kashmir can be gauged from the fact that a sweeper has been attached with non-existent sub-office Kishtwar. More importantly, the noted intellectual of Jammu and Kashmir is seen seeking explanations from officials who question the conduct of employees working in non-existent sub-office Kishtwar. Not only this, the writer in Prof. Hajni does not force him to counsel his political bosses about employees working in non-existent sub-offices and drawing salaries while running their private businesses. |
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