Early Times Report
Jammu, Mar 17: In order to ensure effective implementation of Rajbhasha, a one day Hindi Workshop was organised at Salal Power station wherein 18 Hindi Co-ordinators from various Departments of Salal participated. The Workshop was inaugurated by Rakesh Goel, Chief Engineer (Civil) by lighting of the holy lamp. Dr. P.L.Sharma, Manager (Lib.), Kuldeep Kumar Sharma, Rajbhasha Officer and Sunil Kumat, PGT, Hindi from KV, Jyotipuram delivered lectures as to how Rajbhasha can be implemented at Workplaces in day today routine Office works. Participants were also apprised about Hindi Typing through lectures and Power Point Presentation which was later practised by the participants. Issues related to problems faced by the employees while working in Rajbhasha Hindi were also attended to during the Workshop. Speaking on the occasion, Goel said that hesitation to switch over to Hindi for day today routine Office Works is the main problem for some of us but once we start working in Hindi, we shall find it easy and smooth, enabling us to better communicate. However, he expressed satisfaction over the use of Hindi at Salal Power Station. |