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Trifurcation of J&K is in the interest of Jammu Muslims
Opposition in Kashmir
9/20/2015 12:13:47 AM
Early Times Report
JAMMU, Sept 19: Politically conscious people of Jammu region and Ladakh have been demanding trifurcation of the State since 1947, when it acceded to India, saying they cannot live under a system that is dominated by Kashmir and that doesn't recognize the social, economic and political aspirations. The demands of the People of Jammu region include statehood, regional council and regional development board and the people of Ladakh continue to demand Union Territory status even after obtaining autonomous hill development councils. These demands don't go well with the Kashmiri Muslim leadership. It opposes the demands saying the entire Jammu & Kashmir is disputed whose political future has yet to be decided. They want to force down the throat of the people of Jammu and Ladakh their perverted ideology and also want a particular type of system that is similar to that of Pakistan. They also say that the division of the State is not acceptable to the Muslims of Jammu province and Muslims of Ladakh. Their interests would be harmed if the State is divided, they say. The Muslims constitute nearly 30 per cent of Jammu's population and they constitute almost half of Ladakh's population. Ladakh virtually stands segregated from Kashmir as it has two autonomous hill development councils, one each for Leh and Kargil.
The division of the State and creation of Jammu state would not harm the Muslims of the region; it will be beneficial for them and for their non-Muslim bretherns. They would become masters in their house and they will have a dispensation in which both the communities would be equal partners. Both the communities have suffered huge losses during all these years of the State's accession at the hands of Kashmiri leadership and New Delhi, as their policies were, and are, Kashmir-centric. The Jammu Muslims, like the Jammu Hindus and Sikhs, have never got their due share and the areas which are inhabited by he Muslims are more neglected as compared to the areas inhabited by the Hindus, despite the fact that the members of district development boards were, and are, MPs, MLCs and Ministers from the respective districts. They were required to prepare plans for the development of their respective areas, but they did not discharge their obligations towards their respective constituencies. Instead, they all along toed the Kashmiri line and in the process failed their own constituencies to keep the Kashmiri rulers in good humour and promote their own vested interests.
Indeed, there are many Muslims who share the view that Kashmiri Muslim leadership has always played the religious card to hold the Jammu Muslims aloof from the Jammu Hindus and create conditions which could dismember Jammu region. They also share the view that they, like the Jammu Hindus, have nothing in common with Kashmiri people and that the existing Kashmiri dominated system has been responsible for their neglect and underdevelopment. However, it is true that there are a few Muslims who stand for the unity and integrity of the State. They are all under the influence of the Kashmiri leadership.
The fact is that if confronted with a choice between the existing Kashmiri dominated system and a system that is under the control of the people of Jammu region, an overwhelming majority of Jammu Muslims would exercise the second choice. There are reasons for that and the most important is that they would get all the rights as are available to their counterparts in the rest of the country. For example, the people of Jammu State would be governed by the Indian Constitution, and not the unitary and Kashmir-centric Jammu & Kashmir Constitution.
It is time for all in Jammu region to work for a system that ends the Valley domination over them and empower them to control their own future themselves under the Indian Constitution.
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