Early Times Report Jammu, Nov 24: An alleged Rs 13 lakh deal between a PSI, who was then incharge of a police post on the city outskirts, and a property dealer to allow the latter to raise construction on the state land, that fell under his jurisdiction, has become talk of the town. The alleged deal was finalised by the PSI with the help of a constable. As per sources, a property dealer had a piece of land on city outskirts but the lane connecting it was very narrow thus reducing the rates of the land. The property dealer, sources alleged, approached then in-charge police post and tried to influence him to allow construction of lane on the state land so that value of his land would increase. "For this whole deal, in-charge police post demanded Rs 13 lakh from the property dealer", sources alleged and added that the property dealer paid Rs 3 lakh in advance to PSI and it was promised by the dealer to pay the rest of money after the completion of work. In the meantime, the PSI was transferred after a senior cop smelled rat but, using his connections, he managed the posting of his close friend, also PSI, as incharge of the police post so that the property dealer faced no problem in raising construction on the state land, sources alleged. Till date, the property dealer was alleged to have paid Rs 7 lakh to the PSI and rest of the money was likely to be paid in instalments, sources alleged. |