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Valley based Pak-stipendiary lobby should change their mind set
A N Bharadwaj4/3/2016 12:08:31 AM
The Pak-lobby working in the valley at the be hest of Pakistan to implement its agenda to dismember India by organizing misleading campaign against Indian ruling leadership through violence should change their mind set, who are under moral and legal obligation to maintain peace for further developments for its State. That lobby should review the current history of Afghanistan, which was ruined by its mis-adventurous game played with the collaboration of foreign lobbies for its political cause. Ultimately, that Afghan government was thrown out by withdrawing its political support within the super of moment, entirely nurtured and nurtured by it, despite shattering of economy as well as social structure failed to achieve its desired interest. The same game is being played by it at the cost of human blood by alluring Kashmiri Muslims for the establishment of their domain out of the Indian sovereignty.
Mirwaiz-Geelani headed Pak-stipendiary lobby working in the valley have been living in their own dream for making castle with sand. They are not aware about the facts which was the proposal of creating Pakistan for Muslims out of the British India sovereignty was agreed by Nehru headed national leaders in the meeting held in 1947 headed by British Crown, London (UK) on the promise committed by the Jinnah header Muslim leader of British India, that there would be no communal riots in case Pakistan for Muslims homeland was established for everlasting peace out of the British Indian sovereignty which was agreed by the then congress leader resulting in establishing of Pakistan at the cost of British Indian sovereignty. Afterwards, the Pak-ruling leadership did not strict to their stand and violated in all respects. Pakistan was established under Indian Independence Act of 1947, enacted by the British parliament, but that Partition plan did not apply for the rulers of British Indian States. In this regard his majesty's Government cleared that the decisions announced above related only to British India, and its policy towards its Indian States contained in the Cabinet Mission Memorandum of 12th May 1946 remained unchanged. In the light of that, Jinnah headed Muslim league flushed its appealing advice for further guidance of the Muslims of the British India States to abide by the British Crown proclamation to grant the paramount political power to the rulers of their states of British domain to decide the accession of their states either this or that dominion. So in the light of the British Act and British Crown Proclamation the ruler of Jammu & Kashmir State exceeded his state to India who was wholly & solely competent to take the merger issue, but soon after the trust breach standstill agreement violation made by His Highness Government with the Pak Government. Thus the state sovereignty flown to India was accepted world over. By violating the standstill agreement Pak took invasion of to grab J&K State and marched ahead towards capture the state summer capital by killing thousand and thousand people, on the other side India dispatched its forces to stop its horrific blood-spilling aggression on the war front to protect the people who had being killed en-masse, stopped the bloodshed and protected the boundaries of the state. In that circumstance, there had been no any wrong to save the lives of the people. Those elements, who have an eye to grab the state should look first to change their mind set. The issue which is non-negotiable, based on legal support does not possess the status for review that is irrevocable. Pakistan and its Hurriyat parrot like speaking lobby working in the valley has now confused and may exert efforts to find out new argument for pleading among the people to snatch the state. Pak helpless military controlling Prime Ministers Nawaz Sharief pleaded his view during his London visit in November 2013 that he did not find any problem with third party interventions, which later on was clarified by his Foreign Affairs spokesperson that Pak-had committed to the bilateral dialogue process with India. However Pak had also always remained open to third party mediation to resolve the Kashmir issue on which there were outstanding UN Security Council Kashmir relating resolutions, what non-sense was uttered by him to twist the issue from the main spirit of Simla Agreement. We are at a loss to understand that the binding of the two sovereign countries under any agreement cannot be treated like bargaining canvassing of shopkeeper. There is no question for opening of door for third party intervention. Pakistan in the light of that should forget its mis-adventureous efforts for any mediation in the agreement. Once committed bilateral dialogue for resolving any issue which is hurdle in developing political relations.
Pak should know the legal position of the state which has already been determined by the facts of the history. There is no dispute over the state. It is one of the parts of India. Pak is an aggressor country, free to conceive any disturbing issue after issue under the influence of frustration to pain & hit the India to the maximum extent; therefore all these issues have no weight. Pakistan is the country which has undermined the UN status by spurning away its resolution for plebiscite and failed to provide the congenial atmosphere & vacate the Indian-state territory occupied illegally through aggression and evaded itself deliberately to comply with the said resolutions. Now Pak and its stipendiary lobby had brought out new issue to keep the aspiration of the Kashmiri people, to resolve the so called Kashmir issue, which was nowhere in the representation submitted by India to the UN Security council. It is an obnoxious. Pak before flashing the proposal for aspirations, the proposal to keep the aspiration of the Kashmiri Muslims, should first go to keep the aspiration of people of Kalat State, which was annexed by it with pistil point, resulting in violent agitation which is still continue and the same position is of Baluchistan where people raised the banner of revolt who are the victims of its in human atrocities and brutal treatment. The frontier tribal people are looking forward to get rid from the Pak-tyrannical rule for independence. They have been straggly for independence. The position of the Sindh province is also the same. The people of these states are out of controls who are demanding for independence according to their aspirations. Pakistan first look into their demand for aspiration then take for the aspiration of Kashmiri people. Pakistan should know that the rulers of the states of British India wholly and solely were competent to decide the political future of the state in regard of to accede their states either this or that dominion. To keep the question of aspirations of the Kashmiri Muslim state people was nowhere in the decision of the rulers. So Kashmiri people have no right of any count to raise the issue of an aspiration, to throw stone to other by sitting in glass house would not be useful for it, and avoid providing the Kashmiri Muslims of the state by promising false allure of its political cause.
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