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Time to stop terming Mirwaiz as moderate | Pandering to regressive forces | | Early Times Report
JAMMU, Sep 4: It is time to stop terming APHC-M chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and his outfit "moderate". Mirwaiz is not "moderate". He is more fanatic than APHC-M chairman and Jamaat-e-Islami leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani. In fact, he is more dangerous than Geelani and other Kashmiri separatists. He is more dangerous like certain "mainstream" Kashmiri leaders who masquerade as "sane" elements in the Kashmiri society seeking settlement of the so-called Kashmir issue through discussion and dialogue in the sense that he speaks in different languages. Geelani is dangerous but not that dangerous because his views are too well-known; because he says things without mincing words; and because everyone is aware of the methodology he takes recourse to achieve his stated objective: Separation from India and merger with Muslim Pakistan, the real problem like Saudi Arabia, which stands for an ideology that seeks to bring the entire world, including the western world, under its influence or which seeks to convert the entire world into one-religion world using all means, including terror and bloodshed - a fact that has been recognized by the alert and concerned sections, including the world. Even certain sophisticated and highly educated Muslims, including those born in Pakistan, who describe them as "Indians born in Pakistan", and countries like Syria, but settled in western countries like United States, Britain, Canada and so on, have started questioning the ideology of Saudi Arabia and countries like Pakistan saying it poses a live challenge to the world peace and other civilizations, including the liberal, emancipated and democratic Hindu and Christian civilizations. In fact, they have started questioning the very religion to which they belong and terming it as "fascist" and what not. As said, Mirwaiz is neither moderate nor secular. He is an extreme type of fanatic who hobnobs with Pakistan and anti-India Organization of Islamic Cooperation OIC and who tours different parts of the world using Indian passport to tarnish India's image and seek help of anti-India forces so that India is forced to quit Kashmir and he and other fanatics impose on the Valley and other parts of the state that ideology that seeks to destroy other civilizations. How could he be termed as "moderate"? Is he not seeking a "solution" to the so-called Kashmir problem outside the Indian constitutional framework? He is. Is he not seeking a "solution" that accommodates the Pakistani age-old sinister and communal design? He is. Is he not seeking a "solution" that is as per the aspirations of the religious sect to which he belongs? He is. Has anyone even once tried to study the social composition of the outfit he heads? None, it appears. Has anyone even once tried to study the area of influence of this so-called moderate Kashmiri leader and evaluate the implications of what he has been preaching since years now? None, it appears. Has anyone even once considered the fact that he represents not even a miniscule minority? None, it appears. And has anyone even once tried to understand the meaning of what he says on each Friday at Jamia Masjid? None, it appears. All these questions need to be taken a serious note of. It is indeed New Delhi and the authorities in the state who have pandered to the fanatics like Mirwaiz. Enough is enough. New Delhi must call the Mirwaiz's bluff and show him and others of his ilk their rightful place as they are preaching an ideology which is not an elixir to life but a deadly poison. It is time to tell Mirwaiz to keep his mouth shut and not utter a word on Jammu & Kashmir whose political future was settled long ago in terms of the constitutional law on the subject. |
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