Avinash Azad Early Times Report Jammu, Mar 26: Amid controversy over thesis submission of scholars of Dr Nirmal Singh former Deputy Chief Minister, another PhD scholar at University of Jammu is allegedly being harassed by the authorities. Sources told Early Times that a scholar from the Department of Economics has not been allowed to submit her thesis. "Akhil Bhat, a PhD Scholar who had given her presentation on August 18, 2015, is not being allowed to submit her thesis by HoD, Economics", sources alleged, adding that she was being barred, on ground of shortage of attendance. "The presentation occurred on August 18, and since then seven months have passed, now since seven months the girl (scholar) is running pillar to post to submit her PhD", adding that external supervisor of the scholar have already been chosen and her abstract has been already been sent to another university. "The external supervisors are chosen at the time of submission of PhD, interestingly, the supervisors have been chosen by the present Vice Chancellor", sources said, wondering that why the Vice Chancellor is doing in justice with the scholar?. "Till September everything was okay, as thesis was compiled and abstract paper was also presented by the scholar", sources said, adding that the day when Prof Falendra took over as new head of the department, created hassle for the students and scholars. "May be the Head of Department have ill-will with supervisor or former HoD, why a scholar is being targeted", they questioned, requesting Governor to rescue the scholars caught into anarchy in the campus. However, the scholar had informed the Vice Chancellor about her grievances. "The matter was brought into notice of VC through letters but things remained unchanged", they said, and added that scholars have no say in the campus. "The Policy of any University of don't changes as the head or any person changes, in the previous HoD of the view that she should submit, then she should submit, these people are trying to settle their scores through the students/scholars", he added. Prof Falendra Kumar Sudan, Head Department of Economics University of Jammu when contacted said that there were discrepancies of residency period of the scholar. "We are waiting for minutes of meeting of Broad Research Studies, and then the matter would be forwarded to Dean Research Studies for recommendations", he said, adding that final step would be taken on basis of recommendations of DRS. It is pertinent to mention here that it is not an isolated case, where scholars in JU facing harassment, however, the scholars of former Deputy Chief Minister are also being targeted. |