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The militants outfits and the separatists are very much busy in destroying the peaceful atmosphere in the valley particularly at the behest of the neighboring country Pakistan. Shri Amar Nath ji pilgrimage was in full swing for the convenience of the devotees to have the pious 'Darshan' of Lord Shiva's Shiv Ling at Amarnath Cave. In this pilgrimage, the devotees were thronging from the length and the breadth of the country. But all of a sudden the yatra was disturbed as a result of killing of a dreaded Hizbul commander Burhan Wani. Due to the mass scale violence the entire valley was placed under curfew by the state administration. Death toll rose to 37 and injured are reported to be more than a thousand as reported by the media. Prior to the death of Burhan, yatra was heading very peacefully as the valley was normal and the tourists visiting Kashmir were enjoying their stay leisurely and now in view of the prevailing bad law and order situation there they are saying good bye to Kashmir from their heavy minds. In 2008, Yatra remained suspended for three days after the killing of Burhan and violence incidents in the valley and its surrounding areas. It was resumed on July 10 and continued for two days and once again it is suspended upto Jul 15 as the governmental agencies have the input of disturbances at Khanabal and Anantnag suburban areas. Hopefully, yatra would be resumed after July15. Earlier also in 2008, Amarnath yatra witnessed large scale violence resulting which mass Amarnath Andolan was launched by the Sangarsh Samiti which ended after 62 days. This yatra, as per the old tradition, takes place every year, Earlier, J&K Dharmarth Trust was managing the yatra affairs and presently Shri Amarnath Shrine Board (SASB) is looking after the entire operation of the yatra under the chairmanship of HE, Governor J&K. The militants outfits and the separatists are bent upon to disturb the peaceful atmosphere in the valley and the prevailing situation in the valley is grave. Political circles believe that the militant outfits' pressure for the furtherance of their nefarious activities and designs has been increased drastically after the taking over the reigns of administration of Jammu and Kashmir by the PDP led State Government in combination with the saffron political party BJP. Releasing the stone palters on the eve of holy IDD by the state administration was not a well considered and judicious decision. It was a decision without application of mind properly. It gave wrong signals in the field and in fact encouraged the pro Pak elements in the valley who got the new vigour and strength for the furtherance of their nefarious activities in Kashmir. They always keep their eyes on disturbing the peaceful atmosphere in the valley. This has added fuel to the fire. By doing this act, the state government was expecting the dividends out of it but surprisingly it paid the price of 37 valuable human souls and several others injured are being treated medically in different hospitals of the valley. It is really painful. Earlier the separatists and the pro PAK elements had lost the ground in the valley. With the killing of Burhan, they got the new vigour and strength to carrying on their further activities. Now the situation in the valley has reached the stage like it was during 1989- 90 when the militancy was at peak and all time high . No governmental functioning was there at all and the militant outfits were at the helm of affairs of the administration then. The Union Government should adopt the principle of " A stitch in time saves nine . " and remain stick to it lest the situation worsens further in the valley . With the dreaded militant Burhan Wani's killing the valley came on the edge and wide spread protests and demonstrations put the valley on cross roads. To settle the Kashmir tangle much was done but all in futility. But now the present National Government led by Narender Modi is very much serious to clinch the Kashmir tangle once for all at the earliest possible. In this changed political scenario of the country , let a congenial atmosphere prevails on this score to arrive at a logical conclusion. Let the normalcy restores first in the valley for which the security forces and the State Government are doing their best as it is on the top of the agenda. At the same time let the ongoing Amarnath yatra ends successfully. Pakistan be given a final chance to mend its ways otherwise it should remain to face the consequences . We are proud of our Army which is to ready to accomplish the job of vacating POK with full determination. Amarnath yatra has once again been suspended in view of bad weather and agency reports of some disturbance in the days to come. Despite of so many odds, yatries are having much courage and enthusiasm to have the darshan of Lord Shiva at Amarnath cave .Over this issue the country has up to now has paid the much price in shape money and humans losses both from the forces and the civilians . But still the forces of the country are ready to vacate POK from the clutches of Pakistan administration . The Union Government should think afresh in devising the revised strategy in respect of Kashmir issue. Ali Shah Geelani who remained at the helm of affairs in exploiting the valley people for joining with Pakistan for ever. It is something strange that we are passing our days in lingering on the issue involved which needs immediate attention for its settlement at the earliest lest it poses a threat of nuclear war between India and Pakistan. It is a decades old issue indeed which the Central Government took it very casually and a result of which it has attained a volcanic stage. This issue should not be sidelined but it should be dealt with on priority as NO.1 issue without wasting any further time on this score. Two ways are there to clinch the issue :- 1. By dialogue process 2. By Coercive process Nothing came out as positive from the Way -1 since Independence in spite of various dialogues up to this time but the issue became a complex one. Now the Union Government is left with the Way -2. For acting on the Way -2, things are very clear as Lok Sabha of the Nation has already adopted a RESOLUTION on this score Which be implemented in letter and spirit . In LOK SABHA in 1994, A UNANIMOUS RESOLUTION was adopted. " One third area of Jammu and Kashmir State now under the illegal occupation of PAKISTAN is an integral part of India and it shall be vacated."n this score the then Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee warned PAKISTAN to remain within its ambit otherwise be prepared for a WAR --- AAR YA PAAR . When this RESOLUTION was adopted, print and electronic media at the National and International level was stunned to note that how the peace loving Country like India can take such a decision ? While passing the RESOLUTION ,in question, no time limit was mentioned. 22 years have gone just for nothing . By doing so PAK is busy in devising the strategies to weaken India at any cost . The Union Government has given a clean chit / orders to the ARMY/ BSF to give a befitting reply to PAKISTAN suo motto without waiting for the signal from the HQ. This time if PAKISTAN does not apply the restrains on its actions and deeds , then it should remain ready for the disintegration . India will not tolerate any more .. Therefore , our country without waisting any further time should make very clear to PAK that now be ready for the action and its consequential effects as it is going to honour the sentiments and wishes of the parliamentarians expressed by passing the aforesaid resolution in letter and spirit . This will be only solution to the Kashmir problem if any . The political parties and the people who oppose it are digging their future in this secular nation. (The author is a former KAS Officer and a Socio -economic / Political Columnist) |
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