Early Times Report
Doda, Nov 14: In an impressive and well attended gathering, floral tributes were paid to veteran social activist Mehboob Hassan Kraipak in a function which was organized by Young Star Cricket Club Doda at Town Hall Doda on Monday. The programme was presided over by noted writer Saidullah Shad Farid Abadi whereas social activist Ab Qayoom Zargar, Osama Hassanat Kraipak, noted writer Mushtaq Faridi, Aejaz Mirza, president Bar Association Adv Asim Hashmi, Sajjad Kraipak and Principal GDC Bhaderwah Prof Zaheer Abass Hashmi were the special guests on the occasion. Other speakers included Saidullah Shad Faridi, Editor Highway Times, Farid Ahmed Zargar, Principal GHSS Boys Doda Tanveer Wani, Master Om Prakash. |