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Non-Governmental Organisations(NGOs) and Development | | Dr. Banarsi Lal | 11/17/2016 11:13:38 PM |
| Development does not mean only the economic development but also includes social quality,gender equality etc.It is not possible for the government alone to undertake all the developmental activities andthere is need of other organisations or groups to support the government on various fronts.Non-Government Organizations(NGOs) are non-profit voluntary organisations which are set up at local, national and international level.They are democratic and open to all those who want to serve the needy society with the principles like social quality, altruism and human development. NGOs being the major arm of the civil society thus have a crucial role in the country's development process. NGOs play immense role in bringing about social change and development.The multidimensional concept of rural development is based on two fundamental components which have been neglected. Firstly, an effective management of existing local resources both material and human with the goal of optimum output and secondly, active people participation irrespective of any sort of discrimination. These two factors have rarely been realized in the State policy of development process particularly in rural development. Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) embrace a bewildering group of organizations varying in terms of innumerable parameters. In fact, NGOs offer a kaleidoscopic collection of organizations, varying in origin, size, programmes, ideology and control. Basically voluntarism is based on a principle according to which the willpower to work should be a dominant factor. Volunteer is a person who offers one's service spontaneously without external incentives. The work of a volunteer is instinctive. A voluntary organisation is a conglomeration of volunteers who join together with the shared values of concern for a specific purpose. Presently there are around 25,000 NGOs across the nation. NGOs are expected to play a significant role in all aspects of rural development. It is perceived that NGOs activities can solve all the problems of the society. In fact, the role of NGOs is changing over the years due to change in the function and philosophy of other developmental organizations. The role of government has also changed from police state to welfare state. NGOs too have changed their roles. Development is a herculean task and requires strenuous efforts. The roles of various development organizations are basically complementary and hence development partnership is inevitable for the cause of development. The role of NGOs is distinct from government, business and other organizations. NGOs are mobilisers of local resources, planners and implementers of development programmes, innovators, mediators of people and government, builder of self-reliant sustainable society, supporter and partner of government programmes, factors of transformation and bring improvement in the life of poor people and facilitators of development education, training etc. As a development agency, role of NGOs turns controversial when it assumes that poverty is basically a political issue and people have to be empowered to overcome the riddles of inequitable power relations. An NGO is now-a-days not expected to deliver directly some benefits to people but to motivate people, mobilize resources, initiate leadership and participate in development programmes for self-reliance. An NGO is only an enabler and as and when a society is made self-reliant, role of NGO is shifted to another place where NGO service is required. The role of NGOs as enabler for self-reliant society and as supplier or implementer is relevant where bureaucracy is indifferent or inefficient, poor are ignorant, elite are ambitious, success and services are preconditions for motivation etc. Voluntary organizations can build a society. They motivate, articulate, priorities needs and mobilize social action. The participatory experience, collective learning process and indigenous leadership develop confidence to a new society. Ultimately the success is measured not on material basis but the extent to which beneficiaries are moved from dependency to self-reliance. Self-reliance and participation provide positive philosophy for a development model. An NGO can perform collaborative, interactive and conflictive roles. An NGO major contribution in development is to organize, utilize and mobilize the resources effectively within and outside the community.With the government support NGOs are accelerating their developmental activities like poverty eradication, child labour, caste issues, gender discrimination, sanitation etc. An NGO is one of the alternatives available among various development organizations and one of the inputs among technical, financial and other resources. The sporadic efforts of NGOs can be consolidated and made more effective. The main role of an NGO is at the local level as mobilisers of people and their resources for an indigenous self-sustainable development. At this level it can be a pioneer, mediator, catalyst and has many roles. NGOs can be very effective in playing their role as advocates in policy issues beyond local, national and international level. The major weakness of NGOs is their action in isolation. Their collaboration can make the efforts more effective. NGOs can associate with other organizations working in the development process which are in fact more resourceful. Now the time has come to professionalize volunteer sector with transparency in activity, discipline in resource use and integration in functions. Volunteerism will be there as long as humanity is there because it is basic instinct in human beings. While considering the potential and prospects of NGOs, we have to be realistic to ensure meaningful outcome from NGOs in the present and future. The shifting of location of NGOs activities from relief centres, refugee camps and hospitals to villages and slums has opened the eyes of volunteers to stark the realities of poverty. Their attention extended from apparent poverty to its root causes. The NGOs world is full of dynamism and hopes. By centuries of selfless work with whatever amount and criticism and inadequacies, NGOs have learned many things and also society at large. The value of NGOs is unique and sporadic efforts cannot be underestimated by the policy makers and professionals. Public policies are positively influenced and poor people's organizations have asserted more powerfully due to NGOs activism. NGOs curve is moving upwards. It is recognised that if conventional machinery is one arm, the non-government organisation has emerged as another arm and these two can work together for the benefits of people.
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