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Oil seed production: Indian Scenario | | | Dr. Parveen Kumar In the agricultural economy of the country, oilseeds constitute its backbone. The vegetable oil economy in the country is the fourth largest in the world next to USA, China and Brazil. The Oilseeds production in India has seen remarkable progress since 1951 when production in the country was a meager 5.16 million tonnes. Currently oilseed share 14 per cent of the area under major crops. India's largest oilseed producing state is Gujarat. It is also the largest groundnut producing state in India. At the global level also, India holds a significant share in world oil seed production. It is second largest producer of groundnut after China and third largest producer of Rapeseed after China and Canada. The Indian climate is suitable for growth of oilseed crops. Therefore a wide variety of oilseeds are grown in the country both in the irrigated as well as the rain fed regions. Two type of oilseeds are grown in India; one with small seeds like the Mustard, Sesame and Flax and the other with large seeds like Peanuts, Sunflower and Soybean. The oilseeds have been a part of our culture also from ancient time. Til, finds a mention in the ancient Sanskrit scriptures. Ayurveda recommends Til for mental weakness and Tension, constipitation and piles as well. Soybean is referred to as the 'non vegetarian diet of vegetarians'. It lowers cholesterol like any other medicine. Mustard oil is analgesic, anti-inflammatory and prevents skin diseases. Oilcakes are nutritious meal for cattle and boost body metabolism Groundnut oil contains Vitamin E and is recommended for maintenance of insulin level. Flaxseed or Alsi contains Omega-3-Fatty acids which regulates heartbeats. Sunflower oil is used as biodiesel also. The major oilseeds grown in the country include Groundnut, Rapeseed, Mustard, Castor, Sesame, Linseed, Sunflower, Safflower, Soybean, Niger seed. These account for a major part of the land under oilseeds cultivation. In Rapeseed and Mustard, the state of Rajasthan is on top of Rapeseed & Mustard producing states, followed by Madhya Pradesh and Haryana. Almost half (48.12%) of Rapeseed and Mustard is produced by only this state. India's top Soybean producing state is Madhya Pradesh with a share of 44% in India's total production of this protein rich crop. Among other oil crops, Karnataka is largest producer of Sunflower. The area under oilseeds and their production has increased but the productivity still is a limiting factor. The productivity which was 538.2 kg/ha in the period 1971-72 to 1980-81 increased to about 971.19 kg/ha in the period 2001-02 to 2011-12, but it is still less as compared to the developed countries. In 2014-15 the domestic availability was 9.80 million tonnes and 0.59 million tonnes was for export and industrial use whereas the total consumption was 23.06 million tonnes, thus making an overall shortfall/import of 13.85 million tonnes. This is mainly because their cultivation is still done on marginal and unwanted land with very less use of inputs. These areas are devoid of any regular irrigation source. Although India is fourth largest market for oilseeds and edible oils; yet the 55 per cent of its demand is met through imports and these have surged drastically from a meager three per cent in 1992-93 to the present position. Only cooking oil imports during this oil year are expected to touch a staggering 15 million tonnes reflecting the abject failure of our technology missions and other related programmes. The edible oil imports cost us US $ 10 billion annually. The government is also contemplating to push the production per hectare to 1500-1600 kg per hectare and various programmes for boosting oilseed production in the country. It has also strengthened the National mission on Oilseed and Oil palm with an allocation of rupees 3507 crore during the ongoing twelfth plan period. Previously the mission was operative only in 14 states but now it has been extended to 24 states. The centre and state are bearing costs in the ratio of 75:25. Under the mission greater thrust is being put on increasing the seed replacement ratio with more focus on varietal replacement by adopting high yielding varieties. Also the area under irrigation is to be raised from 26 to 36 per cent, Diversification from low yielding cereal crops to oilseed crops and intercropping of oilseeds with cereals/pulses is also being promoted. The agriculture universities are also very serious to promote their cultivation. About 300 Krishi Vigyan Kendras across the country are actively involved in field demonstrations in the country. In the year 2015-16, 44,000 demonstrations were conducted and these demonstrations covered nearly 18,000 hectares. Going with the process of lying demonstrations, it is planned to have 24,000 demonstrations that will cover nearly 60,000 hectare area in the year 2016-17 and all this will be done the active participation of rural masses. The government has also raised Minimum Support Price for different Oilseed crops. The MSP of Kharif Oilseeds have been hiked to rupees 4220 per quintal for groundnut-in-shell; Soybean at rupees 2775/- per quintal; sunflower @3950/- per quintal; Niger seed @3825/- per quintal and Sesamum @5000/- per quintal. Estimates suggest that in case the production in the country does not increase, our imports will go up to 75 per cent of our requirements. Appropriate measures have to be taken to augment their productivity and corresponding production. One of the measures would be to take away a considerable area under rice wheat system in major rice and wheat producing states and use it for oilseed production. The strategy could be to increase the productivity by 100 kilograms each year from the present production per unit area. With this we also have to focus on high yielding, drought tolerant, insect pest and disease resistant varieties, making adequate provision for water at least during the critical stages of crop growth, post harvest handling of the produce. At the same time farmers have also to be provided with incentives to promote oilseed production in the country. Hiking MSP is a good step. Besides this all the regressive measures like the import duty and other restrictive measures should be done away with. Farmers should also be made aware about different Oilseed promotion programmes.
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