Crimes against women are escalating day by day. Every day we come across the news of rape, molestation, eve teasing. Acid attacks, dowry deaths, conjugal aggression, slay and forced suicides. These odious crimes are generally supposed to be the acts of amateurish, uncultured and sewage men, who are far away from the ethic of compassion. A universal hue and cry arises in the condemnation of these erroneous people. No doubt that these wrong doers must be hanged, a blazed or incarcerated, as per the court decides. But the coin has other countenance also, the accountability of women safety and security also lie on the shoulders of female community at large. We cannot deny the fact that there always lives a Satan in every human being. A human commits the above mention crimes, when Satan dominates his mind. Our inner Satan oftenally comes out, when he is excited by some favorable circumstances. Nude scenes, short dresses, dirty pictures and shameful pop songs tempt our inner Satan, to come out and commit condemnable and grotesque crimes on the soil of prophets and sages. Today our film industry is the biggest industry in our country, earning lots of money every year. But on the other hand nearly half of silver screen's production is deteriorating the ethic of our society day by day. Our so called film heroines, just for the sake of money expose their exquisiteness publically, as a result sow the seed of sensuous sensation even amid adolescents. These film actress are un aware of the verity, that grime which they are disseminating, will effect some naïve, unfortunate and un attended minor in slum, in the form of her rape and then her vicious slaughter.As the film stars, models and high profile people, who give a start to this vulgarity, lives in cosseted colonies and move in protective vehicles, so cannot be embattled by criminals. The so called despicable fashion does not stop with in the premises of film studios and fashion studios, but gets adopted by every juvenile boy and girl, as a stereotype of fashion. Irony over this is that our film industry has been evasing from these charges for a long time, by saying that, it is a matter of individual preference and a face of modernization. They also come up with a slogan of emancipation, that women are moderate to wear any thing they crave, and accomplish any thing they yearn. From time to time film stars, Pop stars and Models stop the voices raised against them by saying ' do not talk conservative'.Here I want to query that, is talking about female body cover, conservative? Is talking about female honor, conservative?Is talking about purity, conservative? Or cursing short dress which expose female body is conservative? Here I do not feel abit vacillation in saying that before criminals of rape, molestation or eve teasing etc, these sullied heroines must be prosecuted. As I know talking about Hijab is unpalatable in today's scenario, but at least we women can wear those clothes, which can save female credit and poise. More over wearing bare attire on screen is not a matter personal preference because the moment you joined the silver screen you become public. As per the written records countries like U.S, Sweden, France, Canada, U.K and Germany are six top countries of world , recorded highest cases of rapes, because in these countries females have made their splendor an article of auction.Shield of modernization is no validation for vulgar out look. It is a proved verity that when a teenager is in tight jeans or mini skirts, she is more prone to eve teasing or rape, because nude clothes invites Satan to come out, the moment Satan will come out ,he would definitely attack you . So innovation does not connote, moving with half covered body, but it mean inventing the real worth of cover of female body.Modernization does not mean talking about parity with out knowing the real meaning of equality. Equality does not mean that if a male can wear a jean or can move with naked legs, so a female can also. Impartiality does not mean that if a male can spend a whole night in clubs while drinking and dancing so a female can also. Equality does mean if a male can come domicile during mid nights so a female can also. But modernization and equality means getting equal opportunity of edification, receiving contemplation in every home affair and decisions. Egalitarianism means receiving rights to social, ethical and fiscal stability. As we all know that biologically we are dissimilar to our male counterpart, so whole female community must be wary in spheres of her facade to the society at large. If entire humankind will not proceed according to laws of nature than we have to abide the corollary of nature's vehemence and wrath |