Early Times Report JAMMU, Feb 28: Principal Sessions Judge Samba Sonia Gupta rejected the bail plea of four accused involved in attempt to murder case. As per prosecution case, on 09.08.2021, complainant Sat Paul lodged a written complaint to the police alleging there in that his younger brother Madan Lal is having a Hardware Shop at Ramgarh, where his nephews Mohinder Paul and Munish Paul (sons of Madan Lal) are sitting and on the aforesaid day at about 8:30 PM, when they were closing the shop, 2-3 unknown boys, who were having iron weapons (toka) in their hands, with common criminal intention in order to commit murder, attacked Mohinder Paul and Munish Paul, as a result they sustained grievous injuries and in the said attack, one hand of Munish Paul was chopped off. On hue and cry, all the three boys fled away from the spot and the injured were shifted to hospital. 7. On the basis of aforesaid complaint, a case vide FIR No. 59/2021 for offences U/Ss 307/323/34 IPC and 4/25 Arms Act was registered at Police Station, Ramgarh and investigation commenced. Principal Sessions Judge Samba Sonia Gupta after hearing PP Jawaid Ahmed Khawaja for the Police observed that heinousness of the offence, punishment provided, larger interest of the society, reasonable chances of tampering with the prosecution evidence, chances of applicants/accused fleeing from the course of justice as well as facts circumstances of the case, the applicants/accused have failed to make out a case for grant of bail in their favour. The applications are, thus, rejected. —JNF |