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Delayed exams take toll of students' mental health
Flood aftermath
9/30/2014 11:04:37 PM
Shakeel A Khan

SRINAGAR, Sept 30: The career of thousands of students is at stake since there seems to be no end to their miseries. This very fact has taken a toll on the mental health of the students as the government has failed to revive the educational institutions on the priority basis.
The month of September has ended and there seems to be no chances of conducting the annual examinations in the near future which is for sure to harm the interests of the students studying at various levels. It is the right time to conduct the examinations since ninety percent of the syllabus stands completed.
If the academic session is prolonged or the examinations are deferred, the minds of the students will get rusty. Though the schools are open at most of the places in the Kashmir Valley but there is no teaching- learning process because the students as well as the teachers say that they had completed the syllabus almost in full prior to the flood.
"The school going exercise is nothing but a time pass exercise for the students as well as for the teachers since the rumors about the prolonged academic session is running high. Going by the reality that the Election Commission of India is finding it difficult to conduct the assembly elections depicting that conducting the examination in this kind of situation will not be an easy job though," said a teacher namely Imtiyaz Ahmad from Srinagar from Srinagar.
But at the same time Imtiyaz argues that elections can wait and the Governor's rule won't be a problem for the people. But the government should prioritize the conducting of exams as soon as possible to rule out the chances of mass stagnation. Imtiyaz advocates that the government must use its resources to ensure the timely conduct of exams.
Experts believe that if the examinations are deferred, it will be impossible to conduct the professional exams as well. Experts are of the opinion that anything can be compromised but not the education along with the health of the people and the authorities should be aware of this fact.
Whether the government decides to defer the examinations or it extends the academic session, it is the private school teacher who has begun to feel the heat. They are not in a position to close the schools and they cannot afford the delay in the examinations as they will suffer economically and very badly too.
"Whether the government teachers go to schools or not, they will get the salary at the end of the month but where shall the private school teachers go since the management of these schools will find easy to exploit them and can even throw them away with the flood as the main excuse.
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