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AIR POLLUTION BOMB IN WINTER CAPITAL | | Dr. Kuldeep Singh | 12/15/2015 12:11:07 AM |
| Frankly speaking; Thank God a leading local daily has now turned wise while reporting front page news in December 14, 2015issue under title "Health bomb ticking in Jammu" government remains non-serious". The levels beyond permissible limits of RSPM [Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter] and SPM [Suspended Particulate Matter] in air are already known facts. and it is no more a new reporting. Environmentalists have been raising concerns from time to time but that is never heard and projected by the media. Media remained busy in reporting of visionary poor politicians- writers views of divisive politics dividing state into three pieces; beef row; migrants prolonged benefits and many more unwarranted issues. The real issues presently are those which are directly related to survival of mankind and these are the air-water-land pollution wherever you live-stay or work. Thank god Jammu media has now turned active with regard to air pollution in winter capital. I also strongly support a group shown on local Jammu TV Channel projecting rise in air pollution. Now people may realize the basic issues related to survival of one and all irrespective of religious groups. It is a good sign of positive change in united J&K. We are also reporting pollution all around from time to time in Face Book receiving liking by the few readers. The sole reason of poor public response is because of the single factor that visionary poor politicians have still kept the voters divided on caste-creed-religion-communities basis. Those who know the subject and engaged for the cause are silent spectators presuming they are safe while living in living in posh colonies and drawing pay from government treasuries in the name of environment caretakers. A report based on personal observation of extreme air pollution while undergoing a walk on canal park was loaded on December 4, 2015. It received several liking and the same is reproduced here below for further disseminating among public. On December 3, at 4 pm, while returning from GMC Jammu, I thought worthwhile to perform walk on a part of Canal road park from Bakshi Nagar to IIIM Gate. The air i breathed smell foul and heavy dust/smoke was there. people were also found moving on various modes including on foot. Some of the passing vehicles were emitting visible thick smoke. In front of Bakshinagar pulli, there is newly opened medicine centre named "AAPKA DAWAI BAZAAR", selling medicines at subsidized rates as the result there is always heavy rush. May I ask, the much subsidized rate medicines are sufficient to relieve the people from problems? In my opinion yes, for immediate recovery. But long run cure is possible when one and all take notice of polluted air you all are breathing without break. Total silence of people in particular the elected representatives is very discouraging. Now, i ask all those one question. Where are you separatists who enjoying Pak patronage have caused unrest in J&K? Where are you Mr. Rashid holding beef party in Kashmir MLA hostel? Where are you Mr. Raina projecting him a patriot displaying Tricolour within Assembly Hall, when already it is a part of India? Where are you all others indulged in divisive politics on eating habits? Where are you leaders having exploited Kashmir for benefits? Biologically we all are one. We require similar conditions to survive and healthy heritage. Let us join hands to save self and generations to come. Operation of Civil Society Units all over is the right remedy. |
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