Jammu, Feb 27: Lalded Women Welfare Society (LWWS) today staged a nukkad play 'Pehchan' at Bari Brahmana in city outskirts. According to press release, the Nukkad play was written and directed by Naveen Pal, in present's days peoples refuse to identify each other's. "We ever seen who doesn't have money, vehicles, good clothes, etc always ignored by rich persons and peoples always try to refuse them that they don't know them. Even their brothers, sister, and also relatives always try to go far from them and try to finish the relation between them", the play depicts. The play further narrates, "Is only money, good clothes, vehicles etc is our identity. Our inner soul, good quality, Good works doesn't our identity .By this Article we try to express that except money ,good clothes, vehicles etc we have one identity that is our sweet tongue ,good behaviour, good work, the audience appreciated the show." The artists who performed in the play were, Naveen Pal, Sanjeev Adgotra Santosh Basotra, Sushil Verma, Arun and others. |