Early Times Report Jammu, Mar 19: Two labourer women washed away, while as many boys drowned, when suddenly flash flood hit River Tawi in this winter capital of the state."The water level in river Tawi suddenly increased this morning due to incessant rains in the mountainous regions," police sources here said. They said four people, including two women, got trapped in the water currents of swollen Tawi River. "Police and a team of State Disaster Rescue Force (SDRF) was immediately rushed to the spot, when locals along the banks raised an alarm," they added. Two boys- Mahesh (12) and Sunil (30), were rescued, but the women identified as Laxmi (25) and Pooja (20), washed away, police added. The victims, all of whom were working as labourers, belonged to Maharashrta "Search operation is in progress to locate the bodies," they added. |