Jammu, Mar 23 : The "Tiger Division" of Army celebrated its 68th raising day . According to press release, the Tiger Division was initially raised in 1942 and participated in World War- II. After the world war-II it was de-mobilised and was re-raised in March 1948. Ever since then it has participated in various operations like 1947-48 J&K Operation, 1965 and 1971 wars, Operation Vijay and Operation Parakram. To commemorate the occasion a large number of Senior Serving Officers, Veterans, Junior Commissioned Officers and Other Ranks paid homage at the Tiger War Memorial. Major General Sanjeev Narain, General Officer Commanding Tiger Division, laid the wreath at the Tiger War Memorial. Two Minute silence was observed in reverence of all those valiant soldiers, who sacrificed their lives for the nation. |