Early Times Report Jammu, Apr 11: A senior Police officer faced an embarrassing situation here on Monday when students of Jammu University, protesting against the beating of NIT students by JK Police in Srinagar for hoisting tricolor and raising pro-India slogans, intercepted his cavalcade here. A video of the incident, which has gone viral, shows students intercepting the cavalcade of the top officer, following which the officer gets down and tries to pacify the protesting students. "Sir defer the examinations of the NIT students and fulfill their other demands," students told the officer. The officer assured them that he would apprise the HRD ministry about demands of the NIT students. As the students were pleading the cause of the NIT students some of the guards of the officer tried to push the students away. However, students resisted and dared the policemen to beat them as NIT students were beaten in Srinagar. Protesters raised slogans like JK Police hai, hai and JK Police go back. As the situation started taking an ugly turn the Police officer asked his guards to get into their vehicles and left the place. |