PHE- AE defends his case, says his Degree was 'genuine' | | | Early Times Report
Jammu, Apr 21: In response to the news item appeared in ET titled as 'PHE engineer promoted as AE on fake degree' the Ajaz Ahmed Mir, Assistant Engineer has defended his case and claimed that he has completed his B Tech (Civil) in 2006 against Regd NoT5937A0083. Substantiating his claims one Ajaz Ahmed Mir, s/o Mohammad Rafiq Mir, of W- 8, Rajouri, stated that the Directorate of Distance Education Vinayaka Mission University through its correspondence to Dy.Superintendent of Police Rajouri verified his documents during inquiry and in response to letter vide No.Clt/2016/53-55/Ops dt. 19.01.2016 stated Ajaz Ahmed was a migrated candidate from Narendra Dea University of Agriculture & Technology. Faizabad Uttar Pradesh, to our University on the basis of his enrollment No.DIT000710704 for B.Tech Civil in the 3rd Semester in the year 2004 and same was admitted to our University during the year 200.5 with Reg.No.T5937A0083. The university communique to police stated the candidate with Reg.No.T5937A0083 has completed his program of B.Tech-Civil in the year 2006. However candidate has not applied for the original degree certificate hence it is not issued, it said adding, "It was an error in the data entry, and it is being rectified by allotting the folio No. 110126 to Ajaz Ahmed for his provisional certificate and the Xerox copies of Mark sheets and Provisional Certificate have been verified and found genuine." |