Avinash Azad
Early Times Report
Jammu, May 16: Resentment is brewing among the un-successful candidates, as Ancillary Medical Training Schools issued lists of selected candidates without mentioning merit. Sources told Early Times the list made public on Sunday without mentioning merits of selected candidates'. "AMT has 160 seats for General Nursing & Midwife (Female candidates only), 30 seats for Ophthalmic Assistant, 160 seats for Lab. Assistant, 60 seats for X-Ray Assistant, 30 seats for Dental Assistant, 30 seats for Sanitary Inspector and 100 seats for Pharmacist(Medical Assistant)", sources said, adding that the AMT made selection under very dubious manner. Smelling something fishy in the list, a candidate in waiting said that it seems, to cover injustice done to the eligible candidates' the administration issued a doubtful selection list. The candidate said that the AMT school Jammu recently been in headlines for all bad reasons, when nominations were made on directions of former health minister. "May some candidates be selected in this list, who were parachuted through nomination, as move has received criticism", sources said, and added that because their nomination could be challenged any time. "To cover up their wrong doing in the past, and legalize nomination of some candidates' the administration issued list without mentioning merit of candidates", said another un-successful candidate, threatening to challenge selection in the court of law. "We were expecting that Health Minister, Bali Bhagat will bring transparency and may re-consider the nomination, but he too seems helpless to streamline, derailed AMT school and other health institutions in state", he said, and adding that the incumbent Principal AMT school in not eligible for post, she is holding. |