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Rowdy Tone of Yasin Malik on TV channel | | Surider Koul | 7/6/2016 9:29:31 PM |
| The worst deplorable irony was when Yasin Malik, Pakistan trained militant and chief of JKLF in Kashmir valley, named Arnub Goswami an anchor of Times Now channel, "Psychopath" and Mimicker to Anupum Kher, a versatile actor and to Reshneek Kher, founder member of RIK, a panel member "Rats in studio"; in a Times Now TV channel progra-mme on 24 May 2016. Yasin Malik had used derogatory and distasteful terms against Arnub, Anupam and Rashneek in the panel discussion, which viewers despised . It is not a question to defend, Anchor, Actor, or Internally displaced RIK leader, but there had to be certain level of dignified discourse and some respect for panellists, having national repute, while being on a channel which is watched nationwide and in some parts of the World also. It is not that one should be so effusive in tone and tenor. With such caustic remarks of Yasin Malik further proves his hollowness, frustration and unconventional behaviour. If one tries to analysis his reported past activities, his association with anti social elements, his participation with disruptive forces, his anti state demonstrations and involvement in damaging public properties etc one may not be hesitant to label Yasin Malik in the category of "Fascist". He and his group JKLF in 1989 onward planned and led a movement that exalted one particular religion based target hitting of KP minority of the valley and waged arms struggle against state government to liberate Kashmir valley from Indian yoke keeping in mind the ideology of Muslim majority character of the valley as a core point. For accomplishing the illusory objective of JKLF, Yasin Malik accompanied by late Ishfaq Majid Wani, late Hamid Shiekh, Javid Mir@Nalka crossed LOC to get arms handling training in camps established surreptitiously in POK and in Allaqa Gair near Attaq Muqam by Pakistan agency ISI in 1988. He and his group imported arms like AK-47, bullets, loaded magazines, hand grenades, bombs and explosive devices in large quantities from Pakistan for spreading violence, mayhem, blasts and killing of citizen on road sides of Kashmir. Hundreds of Kashmiri youth were motivated to go across the border to undergo week or ten days arms training in camps set up in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and Pakistan territories. Range of violence spread so much in the valley that even schools, houses of minorities, bridges, government buildings, and religious places were set on fire. Under the pretext of agency/ government informer number of innocent persons was cruelly killed by JKLF. Showcasing their writ in the valley, JKLF managed the kidnapping of Rubiya Syed daughter of late Mufti Mohd Syed the then Union Home Minister in Dec 1989 from main city area and had temerity to barter her release on the condition of letting free four Pakistan trained militants from jails. In Jan 1990, JKLF sprayed volley of bullets on Air force men waiting at Rawalpora bus stop for pick up van to reach their office. Incidents of open AK 47 firing were reported in Eidgah and Nowhatta in down town area of Srinagar in 1989 by JKLF and its Pakistan trained cadres. Year 1989 witnessed the gruesome killings of well known KP personalities like former Judge Neelkanta Ganjoo, Tikalal Taploo, political leader, Lassa Kaul, the then Director, Doord-arshan in Srinagar, Premnath Bhatt,lawyer cum columnist and Premi, Congress activist, writer and educationist in Anantnag were the solely handiwork of JKLF militants. Selective killing of police officers and Central agency staff was common affair for JKLF to challenge the authority of the state and Central administrations. The worst kind of inhuman killing by ripping apart the body of Sarla Bhatt, para medical staff of Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Science, Soura, Srinagar on band saw mill after raping her days together by JKLF youth was the highest form of barbaric cruelty committed on the woman from Hindu minority community. Visualizing the collapse of the law and order machinery, comatose effect in state administration and helpless, handcuffed, mute Indian governances in 1988-90, the Kashmir Hindu population was bewildered, whom to approach for their security and safety. With these horrifying, desperate situation and chaos on the ground in the valley, Pakistan undauntedly supported and backed JKLF reign of terror, politically, financial and diplomatically at national and in international levels. From 1989 onward, Yasin Malik had been allegedly involved in all incidents of violence which include killing of Air force men, Hawala transaction of nearly lac dollars, murder charge and a CBI case, which are counted to be around 23 criminal cases pending against him. Despite the provision of Passport act 1967, prohibiting the renewal of passport, Yasin Malik passport was renewed every year by Central Govt under special consideration. While travelling abroad with court permission, Yasin Malik did not deter from his pro liberation rants even in US among various groups, met Hafiz Syed, L.e.T Chief in Pakistan which was perfidious act on his part. So Yasin Malik has used most of the tools of fascist armoury to advance his Kashmir liberation cause for in the interest of particular religious majority in the valley. Complete mobilization of the society to prepare for armed conflict, encourage political violence, forcible suppression of minority opposition are all ingredients of Fascism which Yasin Malik perpetrated. Though he tried to paint himself Gandhian and his support group in Delhi drum beat his Gandhian adoption for struggle yet he could not carry on that cross ahead. Empirical evidence of non secular characteristics of Yasin Maliks's came to the fore when he asserted JKLF youth that Ashraf Chalkoo committed a blunder by slicing Sarla Bhatt on electric band saw, added, that she ought to have been wedded to their own Mujahid after getting her converting to Islam. Before militancy Yasin Malik was one of active member of Islamic Student League in 1986-87 which took leading part in looting liquor shops owned mostly by KPs in Lal Chowk as a step towards Islamic way of living. His rebellious mental aptitude was at its display when he headed a group that pelted stones on Indian Air force engaged in rescuing flood affected people in civil localities of Srinagar in year 2014. His multiple temperament outbursts are well known. Latest scuffle with police officer on duty in early June 2016 for arresting him from Maisuma bazaar Srinagar is example of his personality disorder. Inspite of his large scale participation in anti India insurgency and anti social activities and communal outlook Yasin Malike, former Pakistan trained militant was given ample chance for reconciliation by Indian government. He was given best medical treatment in Delhi hospitals, at the cost Indian people exchequer for various kinds of serious ailments from time to time. His all pending cases are put on shelf and have been enjoying free movement within country. He is not only allowed to meet diplomats along with APHC delegation but also built rapport with People War Group, Maoist outfits and North East insurgents to consolidate with Anti Indian forces for balkanization of India. How can Yasin Malik raise his accusation against others when his credibility is in shambles? Let him first improve his record first then point out on others. It is a greatest judicial tragedy or a failure in Kashmir that no one has yet been convicted in both the cases of murders and other related to insurgency in Kashmir for last two decades and half. No trial or any judicial process at the lowest level was initiated or processed by any elected state governments. Questions haunt in the minds of law abiding citizen, why none of the pending cases against Yasin Malik and other subversive group leaders are put on fast trail courts? Is it a fault with the state government for not gathering solid evidence for conviction? Or, is it the spirit of pan Islamism that blocks the process of law to take its own course to capture the guilty? Or is it some political compulsion either at central or at state level to keep the pot boiling to draw some favourable political advantage? In respects of certain individual cases government is bound by stalk circumstances to punish anti national elements to show the strength of the state. Here in case of Yasin Malik and other group leaders, what state or central government plans for future is unknown ?
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