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Politics of competitive separatism destroying the state | Jammu suffers for no fault | | Early Times Report
JAMMU, Nov 1: There was never any doubt that the Kashmiri leadership and the people of Jammu province represented two different stands. That the Kashmiri leadership vouches for a regime that has nothing to do with India and the Indian constitutional framework and that the people of Jammu province, like the people of Ladakh region, vouch for a regime that is Indian in character and spirit had become manifestly clear immediately after the state's accession to India in October 1947. The Kashmiri leadership had from day one demanded a loose type of relationship with India. On the other hand, the people of Jammu, like the people of Ladakh, had demanded very close ties with India, as they considered them part and parcel of the Indian civilization. It was no wonder that while the people of Jammu founded Praja Parishad and the people of Ladakh Ladakhi Buddhist Association immediately after the state's accession to fight against the Kashmiri secessionists or against the votaries of limited accession to India and fight for their complete merger with India. Even after 70 years of the state's accession to India, the situation has not changed a bit. This becomes more than clear when one looks at the behaviour of Kashmiri leadership and the Jammu-based political groups, barring the Congress, the NC, the BJP and so on. All or nearly all the Kashmir-based legislators and ministers have left none in any doubt that they have no love for India. This is what their speeches and statements clearly suggest. Mercifully, even the Kashmir-based ministers have not spoken a word for India during the ongoing unrest in Kashmir. Besides, the Kashmir-based parties are indulging in politics of competitive secessionism with their eyes fixed on their vote-bank in Kashmir. As for the Jammu-based cronies and power-brokers associated with the Kashmiri parties like the National Conference and the Congress, less said the better. Their only agenda is to grind their own axe at the cost of the people of Jammu province and they are doing it shamelessly and brazenly. Instead of taking up the genuine cause of the people of Jammu province, who have been suffering enormous losses since 1947 at the hands of New Delhi and Kashmiri leadership, they have been fooling them by shedding crocodile tears. The BJP has turned out to be worse. It is using the same tactactis the Kashmiri parties and their henchmen in Jammu use to scuttle Jammu's aspirations. The worst aspect of the whole situation has been the utter failure of the Union Government to intervene, act and stem the separatist rot in the state. The question is: Why should the people of Jammu province suffer for no fault of their own? They are law-abiding; they are nationalist to the core; they are paying excessive revenue; they, barring a few disgruntled elements here and there, have nothing to do with those who are demanding autonomy or self-rule or independence or Pakistan. When will the Jammu leadership belonging to all the established political parties come on one platform like the leadership of Telangana and fight as one man against the separatist Kashmiri leadership and for Jammu and the country as a whole? As far as the people of Jammu province are concerned, they are one. There should be no doubt about it. They have displayed remarkable unity again and again and they are likely to display their unity once again. The situation as it has started emerging clearly indicates that. |
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