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Selection of candidates for LC
Serious charge: 'Two, three persons ruling the roost in BJP'
4/3/2015 11:53:42 PM
Early Times Report
Jammu, Apr 3: "There is no inner-party democracy in the state unit of the BJP. Two, three persons, including party president Jugal Kishore Sharma, who is a "non-existent party president, general secretary organization Ashok Koul and Deputy Chief Minister Nirmal Singh, are ruling the roost in the state BJP". This is the general perception of most of the local BJP leaders, including many office-bearers and party cadres. "They are taking decisions and imposing the same on the party. They are not even consulting members of the core committee and election committee. They and BJP national general secretary Ram Madhav have established their stranglehold over the party and they are giving preference to those who are either amenable or those who are either Kashmir-centric or incompetent".
To make their point, the insiders have been referring to the names of two-time MLA Ashok Khajuria, party vice-president Ramesh Arora and a non-party man Surrinder Ambardar. "Ashok Khajuria is a NC plant in the BJP. He has not once but at least twice cross-voted to ensure the victory of NC candidates. He violated the party whip and voted for NC candidate for Rajya Sabha Farooq Abdullah. He was denied mandate to contest the last assembly election. He was also not considered for election to the legislative council, which was held last month. He was denied the mandate on both the occasions on the ground that 'he had harmed the party's interests and brought bad name to it'. What happened during the last few days that motivated those three four people who control the party to recommend his name for nomination to the legislative council. Ramesh Arora, who was the prabhari of Kashmir and failed the party miserably in Kashmir, was considered for nomination because he had acted as the mouthpiece of Kashmir. He has been rewarded because he during his press conferences in Kashmir made such controversial statements as 'Islam will greatly flourish in the state if the people of Kashmir voted the BJP to power' and 'the BJP will create a situation in the valley that would render the Armed Forces Special Powers Act ineffective and unreal for all practical purposes'. Who is this Surrinder Ambardar? We have not heard his name in the party. We only know that he has close relations with the Hurriyat leadership. We only know that he is disliked in his own community because his credentials are highly doubtful. We have been given to understand that he was considered because he has very close relations with RSS leaders, including Inderesh Kumar and Arun Kumar. We are totally confused. We do not know what is happening in the party. They are destroying the party. Why are these three four persons are ignoring the deserving candidates and favouring Ashok Khajuria, Ramesh Arora and Surrinder Ambardar whose contribution to the party and the society is nil and who are known more for their controversial roles than for anything positive," many insiders in one voice told this reporter on Thursday on the condition of anonymity.
The insiders further revealed that "Jugal Kishore, Nirmal Singh and Ashok Koul did not discuss the names of Ashok Khajuria, Ramesh Arora and Surrinder Ambardar with other members of the core committee, namely Kavinder Gupta (Speaker of the assembly), Bali Bhagat (Forest and Social Welfare Minister), Rajeev Jasrotia (BJP state general secretary) and many others". "These three four people took the decision themselves and told the party high command that the names were cleared by the proper committee/committees," the insiders disclosed to this reporter.
The sources further revealed that "Jugal Kishore Sharma, Nirmal Singh and Ashok koul are adopting the same approach for selecting fourth person for nomination to the legislative council". "One of the four persons who could also be nominated to the legislative council could either be former IGP Farooq Khan, who joined the BJP last February at Hiranagar); Sunil Sethi, former NC and PDP member and who joined the BJP only some six months ago; Ajatshatru Singh, who resigned from NC and joined the BJP after Sunil Sethi joined the party; and Bansi Lal Bharti, a senior leader of the party".
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