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Hina Bhat nominates herself as BJP women's wing President
4/6/2015 12:19:55 AM
Forgets Priya Sethi officially holds the post

Fazal Khan

Early Times Report

Srinagar, Apr 5: The Kashmir unit of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is in complete disarray as party's dismal performance in the last Assembly elections has left the Kashmir based leaders high and dry. Party high command too seems least bothered about what Kashmir BJP leaders are upto.
The BJP leader Dr Hina Bhat, who contested the 2014 Assembly polls unsuccessfully, from Amira Kadal constituency and hogged the headlines for threatening to take up the gun if anyone dares to touch Article 370, has mentioned in her twitter count that besides being a politician she is also the BJP President of Jammu and Kashmir's women wing.
If she (Hina Bhat) is the president of the BJP Women wing then who is Priya Sethi?, Sethi was recently sworn in as the Minister of state, and is officially the president of Jammu and Kashmir BJP Mahila Morcha.
Someone from the BJP has to come forward and make it clear who is the president of BJP Women wing? Otherwise Hina Bhat would continue to be the uncrowned queen of JK BJP at least in the virtual world. Since the day BJP has become a part of the coalition government in the state it has maintained a silence over all the issues. It seems party believes that there is no need to speak to media and give clarifications as six years is a long time and till then they can reap the benefits of being in power.
Senior BJP leaders remaining busy with other issues have given a free hand to the "non entities" in BJP across Kashmir to assign designations to themselves. "BJP's Kashmir unit has lost the way as it failed to even bag one seat across the Valley in the last assembly elections. Most BJP leaders in Kashmir are self styled as none of the designations have been assigned to them officially," said an insider.
He said most leaders from Kashmir barring a few have no say in the party matters nor are they entertained by the party leaders in New Delhi. "BJP has realized that Kashmir is not its constituency and lot of work needs to be done to make inroads in the Valley," the insider added.
He said that many people ahead of the Assembly polls made rounds around the BJP headquarters and showed big dreams to the BJP leaders who visited Kashmir ahead of assembly polls. "Even the seasoned leader like Ram Madhav was taken for a ride by a few people in BJP's Kashmir camp. They had assured him that a few seats from Kashmir would help the party emerge as the single largest in Jammu and Kashmir but their claims proved to be a hoax," he added.
The insider said that BJP has no leader in Kashmir and a few people who claim to be the representatives of the party have not been given any mandate by the party high command to represent BJP anywhere. "Soon after the assembly elections ended in Jammu and Kashmir. A few leaders from Kashmir unit launched a membership drive but that too proved out to be a damp squib. But Kashmir based leaders left no stone unturned to project that drive evoked tremendous response and tried to secure favours for them in return from the party high command but had to return empty handed," he added.
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