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CIC' retirement affects corruption-hit LAWDA
3/10/2016 10:57:11 PM
Early Times Report

Srinagar, Mar 10: During November 2015 , State Chief Information Commission (CIC) had issued penalty show cause notice against some senior officials of Lakes and Water Ways Development Authority (LAWDA) Srinagar. These officers had failed to give information under RTI Act to an information seeker. The information seeker wanted details of illegal constructions going on in several areas of Harwan locality in Srinagar outskirts. The Secretary and Enforcement Officer (EO) of LAWDA were asked to give in writing as to why they should not be penalized. Sources say that their reply was totally unsatisfactory , thus the were liable for punishment ie to be penalized upto Rs 25,000. But due to the retirement of State Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) , the case has been put in deep freezer as the sole Information Commissioner (IC) Nazir Ahmad who is based in Jammu now has lot of work load. It is pertinent to mention that Early Times had carried a detailed report on this issue in November last year. The Lakes and Water Ways Development Authority (LAWDA) after facing the wrath of J&K High Court was taken to task by the State Information Commission (SIC) also . The Secretary of LAWDA who is also the Public Information Officer (PIO) of the authority under State RTI Act as well as its Enforcement Officer (EO) who both had failed to give details under RTI Act about illegal constructions to an information seeker. The senior officials were issued penalty show cause notices by the Information Commission (SIC) on Nov 19th 2015
Details available with Early Times reveal that an RTI application was filed before PIO / Secretary LAWDA on 19.01.2015, to which no reply/decision was received by the information seeker namely Manzoor Ahmad Bhat a resident of Barji Bala Harwan Srinagar. Thereafter, Bhat filed first appeal on 18.02.2015, but no action/reply or decisions have been provided. Subsequently Manzoor Ahmad Bhat filed 2nd appeal before the State Information Commission (SIC) and requested that Secretary / Enforcement Officer (EO), be subjected to penalties/fines for wasting his precious time by not providing information within the specified time. The information seeker sought information on 11 points regarding representation given by the inhabitants of Upper Barji Balla Harwan Srinagar vis a vis illegal constructions and status of correspondences made by various offices with LAWDA including list of building permissions from Ist December 2007 to January 2015, with copy of notification, SRO/rule/ reference for grant of such permissions.
During the proceedings on 2.11.2015 at SIC office Srinagar, Nissar Ahmad Malik, Secretary LAWDA had filed his written reply, where-under he submitted that RTI application received by him was endorsed to Enforcement Officer and In-charge, Building Permission, J&K LAWDA vide letter dated 22.01.2015 for providing information as desired by the applicant. He has further submitted that In-charge, Building Permission provided the information against item 11 of the application; however, Enforcement Officer (EO) did not provide the information even after serving reminders to him latest being 01.05.2015. PIO/Secretary LAWDA further submitted that a copy of notice of the Commission (SIC) has also been endorsed to EO LAWDA on 31.10.2015, with the directions to expedite the pending information. PIO/Secretary LAWDA submitted that he has recently joined and requested to grant 10 days time to respond to points pertaining to RTI application.
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