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Is Azad projecting himself as Community Leader instead of a National Leader!
4/4/2016 11:24:45 PM
Ravinder Jalali

In a recent conference of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind, leader of opposition in Rajya Sabha and senior congress leader Sh. Gh. Nabi Azad compared RSS with ISIS. Gh. Nabi Azad has also written a letter to Prime Minister Narinder Modi, highlighting the growing attacks on minority community. Azad is requested to do some soul searching before levelling these charges. Azad is a very senior leader and is not known as a Muslim leader. So far he has refused to be drawn into the mould of a community leader. Now comparing the RSS with ISIS and writing letters to PM regarding the affairs of minority compels a common citizen to think whether Azad is a new Avatar of Muslim community? We appreciate the concern of the senior leader but it would have better if he would have shown this gesture at other times also when the members of other communities or other regions also suffer. Why he is alive to these situations now which he was never before. Let me remind him of some incidents and episodes which would be an eye opener for him.
I would like Azad to recollect the communal violence in his home town Kishtwar in J&K State on 9th August, 2013, where a group of people after Friday prayers on the day of Idd festival attacked the minority in the city. The incident claimed a few lives besides arson and loot in the city.
Riots broke out in Malda district of West Bengal in January 2016 when a part of a protest rally attended by thousands of Muslims turned violent. Idara-e-Shariya and Anjuman Ahle Sunnatul Jamat, a Muslim organisation had held a protest gathering on 3rd January 2016 which was attended by 30,000 to 2.5 lakh Muslims. A set of people from the protest rally turned violent and vandalized Kaliachak Police station, block development office and public property. When police stopped protesters, the riot broke out.
Has he forgotten the recent JNU issue where anti-national slogans and blue print for balkanisation of the country was being drawn? Instead of condemning the issue and protesting for the action against the anti-nationals, his party and party vice-president Rahul Gandhi visited the site and lent support to the students raising the anti-national slogans.
Today is the anniversary of Chittisinghpura massacre where 36 Sikhs were butchered on 20 March 2000, in the Anantnag district of J&K, home state of Sh. Azad.
I would like to remind him when as Chief Minister of J&K State he allocated land to Amarnath Shrine Board for Yatra purpose in 2008 but was latter forced to withdraw his own Govt. order following the wide spread opposition by the separatists and mainstream politicians of Kashmir. He succumbs to the pressure of separatists and militants. At that time he did not write to PM.
Now the question is why not the conscience of Azad did got awakened at all these times? Why is he now playing communal and regional card? Is Gh. Nabi Azad competing and comparing with the Owaisi brothers of AIMIM of Hyderabad. The Congress is traditionally considering the Muslims as vote bank and now the Owasis is trying to become leader of Muslims and how can congress lag behind. The fact of the matter is that it is the congress that is polarising the society for vote bank dirty politics. For the information of Azad , if he is not aware, let me inform him that the Owaisi and his AIMIM is a separatist organisation who were earlier called as Razakars in Hyderabad and was a militia fighting against the Indian army on behalf of Nizam of Hyderabad who wanted to make Hyderabad a part of Pakistan. Razakara were just like Kabaylis (Invaders) of Pakistan who along with Pakistani regulars attacked the valley in 1947 created mayhem to cede Kashmir from India to Pakistan. Assauddin Owasis is following the agenda of Qasim Razavi who wanted Hyderabad as a part of Pakistan, and was arrested in 1957 and sentenced to jail for 10 years and latter deported to Pakistan. Congress party was in alliance with AIMIM in Hyderabad for 14 years.
ISIS is an international terrorist and dreaded organisation who is involved in loot, murder, rape and arson of humanity. Actually it has nothing to do with Islam. Those who are supporting the idea of Jihad by ISIS can not be a true Muslims and nationalists. It is not like Azad does not know. By comparing RSS with ISIS, he is directly supporting ISIS.
It is being observed whenever and wherever the opposition or the congress has to attack the ruling party it is always using RSS card. I think they do not have to prepare for the debate or lecture and using RSS is a handy slogan and anti-dote for each and every argument. Whenever Rahul Gandhi or for that matter any leader of congress or opposition, does not find any proper response to a debate, they immediately invokes RSS.
RSS, after all, is an all India organisation with a strong national feeling and committed for a strong and vibrant India, who don't want to compromise on integrity and sovereignty of nation. It has increasingly been recognized that the Sangh is not a mere reaction to one or another social or political aberration. It represents a corpus of thought and action firmly rooted in genuine Nationalism and in the age old tradition of the country.
After all they (RSS) are not anti -nationals. They are the citizens of India and are committed and dedicated to the cause of nation. They are the people who volunteer themselves for any service for the country with out any malafide intention. The only intension is to serve the mother India. They are not outsiders. They have no ulterior motive unlike other political parties whose concern is only power and next election where as the organisation like RSS thinks of next generation. To compare RSS with ISIS is clearly a mischievous and Azad needs to answer. It is ridiculous on the part of the Opposition to blame RSS for any thing and every thing.
To conclude I personally feel that since the congress was depending on Muslim votes in India and sees other parties like BSP and AIMIM making encroachments in their traditional vote bank and want to compete with the Owaise of AIMIM in Hyderabad by becoming the champions of Muslims but doing so will cost Azad very heavily in the light of he being considered a national leader and by doing this dirty politics he is shrinking in his size in the eyes of general masses irrespective of region and religion and fitting himself in the narrow cage of community and region instead of nationals and the nation. I wish him all the best!
--The writer is a Social Activist and Convenor, Democratic Pannun Kashmir.
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