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Ayurveda-The Science of Healthy Living | | | Tahir Rufayee
Human life is a precious gift of nature. Naturally man is a miniature of nature. Because of preserving the Knowledge of human life and valuable experiences obtained from generation to generation, there is continuity of human race and survival of its several highly developed cultures and civilizations. Like wise Indian Knowledge system of healthy life developed with Indian civilization and culture is Ayurveda. Since the dawn of human civilization, man is aware that "health is Wealth". There has been continues efforts to learn more and more about the concepts of health at every point of time. As a result, today we have various health care systems dealing with various aspects of health. In spite of it diseases also exist as a part and parcel of human life. This shows the lacuna about understanding of health by many health care systems. Most of the time state of disease free body is considered as health. Similarly attending the body in the state of ill-ness is considered as sufficient measure of maintaining health. It is only Ayurveda, an ancient wisdom of healthy life which has holistic approach towards health. There are about 250 health care systems in the world. Today conventional medicine has reached the extent of DNA finger printing and Gene Therapy. In spite of that nearly 80% of the world population is depending on traditional / alternative systems of medicine. Large amount of educated population of developed countries are switching over to natural health care systems. Among these Ayurveda stands very high in its popularity and worldwide acceptance. What makes Ayurveda very special and unique among all other Health Sciences? It is its holistic and positive health approach and following are its evidences. 1. It is not easy to find the complete definition of health in any textbook of modern medicine. Till recent, definition of health according to WHO stated, "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely absence of disease infirmity". It is very recently that spiritual well- being is also been included in the above definition. 5000 years ago, Ayurveda texts defined health as "Health is a state of equilibrium and harmonious state of body, mind, senses and soul''. 2. Primarily Ayurveda is a science of healthy life and it is a science of curing diseases secondarily. 3. Ayurveda is India's healing gift to the world. It is the most ancient yet unique futuristic knowledge system of healthy life. 5000 years old, time tested and time trusted knowledge system is a divine gift to mankind. 4-Holistic & Positive Science of Health: Leading to Optimistic outlook of life. 5. Many theories and practices mentioned in Ayurveda are even today used in other healthcare systems. The word Ayurveda is derived from two words. Ayu means Life and Veda means Knowledge. Hence Ayurveda means knowledge of life. Prime specialties of Ayurveda (Astanga Ayurveda): Kaya(General medicine), Bala ( Pedeatrics), Graha(Treatment of rare diseases including psychiatry), Shalakya(Eye and ENT), Shalya(surgery), Damshtra(Toxicology), Gara( Geriatrics including rejuvenation), Vrasha(Reproductive health). Along with above eight main specialties branches like, Genecology and obstetrics, Social and preventive medicine, Clinical pathology, Clinical pharmacology, Pharmaceutics are also present just as seen in conventional medicine. The very foundational principles of the science like Panchamahabhootha theory( Five basic elements of nature-earth, water, fire, air and space), Tridosha theory( Three humors Vata, pitta, kapha), Sapta dhatu( seven basic body tissues) etc are having multi dimensional approach and are in tune with nature. What is the benefit of Ayurveda? Ayurveda has two major benefits. 1) Preserving the health in a healthy person. 2) Restoring the health in a diseased person. 1) Preservation and promotion of health are given enormous significance in Ayurveda. Proper daily regimen is explained in detail to keep harmony with biological changes of the body with cyclical changes of a day. To avoid ill effects of seasonal changes meticulous description of seasonal diet and life style is explained. Personal and social behavioral conducts are described to keep up the mental health. Enumerable rejuvenation procedures are explained for promotion of health. E.g. Very popular Panchakarma procedures detoxify the body and reduce aging process of a person. Probably no other health science preaches even a healthy way of dressing! 2) Concept of medicine and treatment is also unique and complete. "Medicine is the one, which cures the disease with out leading to another, and not the one which cure the diseases but leads to another disease''. Ayurvedic medicines derive their source from, Plant, animal and mineral origin. Treatment is defined as the one, which not only addresses the cause, cures the disease from its root, but also re-establishes state of health. Ayurveda advocates many Palliative, purification, Surgical, Para surgical, psychological rejuvenate and spiritual therapies. These are adopted as per the individual requirement of the disease and diseased. Ayurveda by advocating tailor made diet; lifestyle, treatment and philosophy of life ensure that an individual walks along the path of perfect health through out the journey of life. Natural is today's buzzword. But anything natural is not safe. Hence it is essential to follow the system which judiciously uses natural substances. Taking natural products is not the only way to healthy life, but it's the natural way of living. Ayurveda an ancient wisdom of life used on contemporary basis is the way to a healthy and happy life naturally. |
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