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Taking the revenge of the Uri episode, on the mid night of 28th September, India's well trained Para Commandos under a special operation successfully conducted the 'Surgical Strikes' in POK and totally damaged the seven Launching Pads in the training centers at Leepa valley in Kupwara Sector, Bhimber in Nowshera Sector , Hot Spring Point in Mendhar Sector, Kel in Baramullah Sector. In all about 38-40 terrorists were killed by the Indian forces besides killing three soldiers of the Pakistan Army. The people of the country were stunned by the briefing made by the DGMO Lieutenant General Ranbir Singh on 29th September before the print and electronic media of the country . This action of the Indian forces in the POK areas was lauded by the country as a whole and there were jubilations across the country . Really this was the remarkable achievement made by the Army thereby teaching the lesson to Pakistan and asking it to mend its ways and deeds otherwise it would be disintegrated soon. Due to a well considered policy of Indian Government to totally isolate Pakistan diplomatically from rest of the World, India has succeeded considerably on this score. Refusal to participate in the SAARC Conference at Islamabad, India secured the support of other five nations of SAARC resulting which Pakistan has cancelled the said conference. Pakistan stands isolated. Needless to mention, under the prolonged prevailing tense atmosphere, it is immaterial whether we start war with Pakistan or Pakistan gives the DASTAK to India on this score. But in any case, WAR between India and Pakistan can not be ruled out at the moment. Already we had fought three wars with Pakistan so far after we attained Independence in 1947. Every time Pakistan was defeated miserably causing the massive damage to it . But painfully it is penned that aftermath all the wars, India lost everything over the table talks which is illustrated further as under :- 1. In 1965 War, we lost Haji Peer Pass in Poonch sector because of Tashkent Declaration in 1966 2. In 1971 War, we lost Chhamb area in Akhnoor Sector on Western IB because of Shimla Agreement in 1972 3. In 1999 Kargil War , we lost certain top pickets in Kargil area. No Agreement was reached at. Not only this in 1947, UNO intervened after the Qabaillis attack in Kashmir and LOC was drawn between the two nations India and Pakistan dividing Indian Kashmir area and Pakistan administered Kashmir- POK. These days India and Pakistan are standing on the extreme opposite ends and maintaining the distance and reservations from where it seems that there is no point of return and day by day both sides are becoming rigid. Cordial atmosphere was created many a times by India to start the Dialogue process with Pakistan but she always betrayed and created the obstructions and the mistrust and also stabbed at the back. Now this time, India has made its stand RIGID i.e. '' No'' to hold talks with PAK on Kashmir issue at all but at the same time PM Narender Modi touched the issue of Blauchistan on August 15 and extended his full support to the people of Blauchistan in their freedom struggle against the Pakistani Rulers. Let me precisely apprise the young readers of the paper in the given below lines of this article, about the wars fought so far against Pakistan. INDO- PAK WAR -1965 In 1965 INDO -PAK WAR, I were just 15 years of age and was studying in Pre University in GGM Science College, Jammu when this war was started .The WAR was very ominous and dangerous one because we had not witnessed such like war earlier. All around there was loss of lives of Jawans and fighting on the borders and civilians too while remaining in their houses situated just near to the International Border (IB). Besides great loss of human beings there were losses to the houses and other moveable and immoveable properties of the Subjects of this land . Prior to the WAR, I attended a NCC Rifles camp at Jammu. At that time, NCC was Compulsory for every one in the college and I were Corporal in NCC Air Wing . Once I remained in the NCC Camp held at the backside of the college where HOSTEL is situated. We got the training in Rifles - 303 and LMG / Air wing appliances and accordingly our rating was done and I got the A-1 grading and was awarded. The moment WAR was declared by the Nation, People started coming to Jammu as Refugees and were placed at GGM Science College and at other places also. Since we were in the NCC at that time our duties were fixed by the authorities of the government for the aid and help of the Refugees. These are the memorable days when we recollect those days we become stunned as there was Tabahi / Destruction every where at that time which cannot be narrated so easily in this article. Not to talk of our day duties, we were duty bound to attend the night duties in those days. The country was at the back and call of the Armed Forces as a big Rock behind them. The then Prime Minister of India Lal Bahadur Shastri Ji raised the morale of the Armed Forces when he spoke on AIR as an address to the Nation as also when he made a remarkable speech at RAMLEELA MAIDAN at New Delhi and he gave the famous slogan - JAI JAWAN -- JAI KISAAN. Why I am trying to describe here that the Nation was One. There was no militancy in J&K. No Gorkha Land Andolan .No Naxalism . No Bodo Andolan and there was peace everywhere. Now a days the position is altogether different. INDO- PAK WAR -1971 This war was started on 2nd December 1971 when Pakistan Air Force attacked India and bombed heavily our Military and Civillian areas in J&K. In Panjab and Rajasthan its Army started advancement towards our Country.This was altogether a different WAR which was fought against Pakistan under the strong and Dynamic leadership of Smt. Indira Gandhi . It was imposed on us because Zulfikar Ali Bhutto took over as the Prime Minister of Pakistan against the mandate of the People of East and West Pakistan in favour of BANGH BANDHU Sheikh Mujeebul Rehman who remained victorious in the elections and was arrested and kept behind the bars. Hundred of Lacs of Refugees from erstwhile East Pakistan came to India and created many problems for us. In the meanwhile , India won the WAR and liberated East Pakistan from the clutches of West Pakistan and in the process 93000 Prisoners of war (POWs) including Officers of the West Pakistan Armed Forces were made as Prisoners of War ( POWs) including its Lt. General A.A.A.K NIAZI who surrendered along with his forces before our Lt. General Jagjit Singh Arora.This way a full fledged Nation Bangladesh was created on December 16, 1971. Wining this WAR , Madam Indira Gandhi proved herself as the dashing and Iron Lady Prime Minster of India . At that time Atal Behari Vajpayee was her main opponent in the LOK SABHA , described her as DURGA MATA KA AVTAR and made all out praise for her in this great country . INDO-PAK WAR - 1999 It was fought at Kargil in 1999. PAKISTAN NE PEETH KE PICHHAY CHHURA GOMPA. When this WAR began , our then Prime Minister Atal Behhari Vajpayee was having a dialogue with Pakistan's PM NAWAJ SHRIEF at Lahore. At that time , General Musharaf hatched a conspiracy against India and attacked Kargil Region of our Country .Pakistan Army made several intrusions at several places in our territory and not only this they made the concrete Bunkers also. Indian Armed Forces gave them the befitting reply and repulsed them back and got vacated our territory from them after a severe battle and fight. The existence of Pakistan is under question mark as its actions and deeds are self destructive which are going detrimental to the interests of its citizens . The money which is available at the disposal of the Rulers should have been deployed for the development of Pakistan but is just going waste as the same is being spent for the furtherance of the terrorism in Asian subcontinent in general and in India in particular as also for buying the arms and ammunition. In view of this the Intelligentsia of Pakistan should rise to the occasion and pressurize the Rulers of their country to halt at this stage only without wasting further time . After the Surgical Strikes in POK by India on September 28, no beating retreat was held at Wagah border and Ferozpur. Alround there is a tense atmosphere as the Governments of Punjab and Rajasthan have already started the vacation of the areas falling within 10 Kms from International Border (IB). J&K Government also got vacated the frontier areas falling near the IB in Jammu, Samba and Kathua Districts. People of the above areas are being shifted to other safer places as per the directions of the civil administration. Pertinent to mention here that still the Kashmir unrest is prevailing since 84 days and a silsala of continuous demonstrations and protests in almost every nook and the corner of the valley is going on. The leaders at the helm of affairs should take the lesson from the surgical strikes made by the Indian Army in POK causing massive damage to Pakistan . To set the things in order and controlling the ongoing unrest in the valley, war cannot be ruled out as the Pakistani Rulers are thinking always to damage India at any cost and save their skins from the people of Pakistan. |
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