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We Indians are very tolerant people | | Nikhil Gupta | 12/8/2015 11:36:56 PM |
| India is the land of Kshatriya Guptas , warriors and liberals and our Indian society is very much tolerant . India is known as one of the most diverse countries in the world, in terms of its weather, its wealth , its people and their various religions and faiths . With a population of over one billion, India is one of the most heavily populated countries in the world . Despite a mix of different religious groups and traditions, Indians have generally enjoyed a healthy and tolerant society . As per Prime Minister Modi Ji ," Diversity is our pride " . India is a multi-faith and multilingual country and the success of the country depends on how successfully we Indians set up systems of cooperation within ourselves and between different faiths and traditions . India takes pride in its democracy that allows equal rights to all people belonging to different religions and different castes . Recently I saw many television debates about tolerance and intolerance in our society where many authors have returned their awards . Returning awards is a personal choice and I have no comment on it but it has forced me to think about the situation in our country and find out whether our country is really tolerant or not . Recently our Prime Minister Modi Ji told British journalists that the Constitution protects freedom and thoughts of every individual . India is fully committed as a liberal democracy to peaceful co-existence . Every individual in this country has the right to express his opinion and his thoughts can't be dictated by others who feel slighted by every word of dissent and see in every divergent expression a conspiracy to tarnish their image . What a person feels is determined by his personal experience and environment; these emotions are lived, not borrowed from the lives of others and are not subservient to their needs. Even though he is part of it, an individual is a distinct unit of a society. Only the puerile and the pernicious would argue that an individual exists to strengthen the collective dogmas even when they are contrary to his beliefs and experiences. As Howard Roark says in Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead, "no individual should recognise anyone's right to one minute of his life. No matter who makes the claim, how large their number or how great their need." . Recently Aamir Khan Ji one of Bollywood's leading actors provoked a deluge of criticism after suggesting there is a growing climate of intolerance in India .His comments were made at Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism Awards, at which the actor was asked to comment about the string of prominent writers returning national awards in protest to what they view as rising sectarian tensions in India. Aamir ji who is a muslim, went on to explain how his wife Kiran ji who is a hindu, "fears for her child. She fears about what the atmosphere around us will be. She feels scared to open the newspapers every day. That does indicate that there is a sense of growing disquiet " . Aamir ji also told that his wife asked him whether they should move out of the country . But in my view what better country than India is there for the Indians . Aamir and Kiran Ji can consider following countries as examples where people have minimum rights . Countries like Beerut , Libya , Afganistan , Bangladesh , Pakistan , Syria , Iraq , Somalia etc have minimum governance and minimum rights for their people . There is a huge refugee crisis in Syria and Iraq but it is ironic that the neighboring muslim countries like Saudi Arabia etc have not allowed the muslim refugees from Syria and Iraq to enter into their country . Even in Europe now there are racial attacks on Asians including muslims and others also . America is also no different . The Europeans will keep their continent as christian and will never allow muslims in large numbers to settle there . Considering this I think India is still the safest place for all Indians . But as India is a free and liberal democracy so anyone can easily move out of India and it is the personal choice . India has abolished untouchability and has granted many rights to minorities and also to depressed classes like schedule castes , schedule tribes and also to OBCs . The rights granted to minorities are for their protection and in comparison the majority Hindu community has no such rights available to them . The upper caste Hindus have minimum rights in comparison to the minorities and SC/ST/OBCs and this has happened after 1947 when India became free and adopted a democratic constitution that ensured equal rights for all citizens but also granted special privileges to depressed classes like SC/ST/OBCs and to minorities including muslims , sikhs , buddhists etc . The example of Pakistan and Bangladesh is in front of us where the minority Hindu population has drastically decreased but in India the population of muslims is increasing as shown by the census 2011 . The Indian Constitution very well protects the minorities and it provides opportunity to develop to its fullness. Now even Jains are considered as minority in India . Perhaps due to the availability of special rights as minorities , many communities such as kashmiri pandits are also clamoring for getting a minority status . All this is possible in our democratic and tolerant India . But even now there are many inequalities in our country and madam Brinda Karat ji in her article titled "Really, home minister? " has mentioned in satirical way ," If holding a jhadu for a photo-op is the symbol of the fight against untouchability, those pundits in temples who sweep the floors before the idol are proof that India is free from untouchability, even though they prevent Dalits from approaching the sanctum sanctorum for fear of pollution." There are many horrible examples of destruction and plunder in India . We all know that in past various muslim invaders came from north west Himalayan passes and created havoc in India . Babur ji defeated Rana sanga ji and made a tower of skulls of dead rajputs . Many muslim kings made it their habit to make such towers of heads of people . But still India is tolerant . Timur Lang ji was a horrible man who also made towers with heads of infidels . Jalal ud-din Muhammad Akbar Ji defeated rajputs in Chitor and his soldiers killed many disarmed and hapless rajput soldiers and also killed thousands of hapless women and children . But still india is tolerant . A muslim governor of Punjab in 18th century did horrible atrocities on sikhs and even placed a booty on the heads of sikhs .British came to india and defeated and killed all kins of Bahadur shah zafar ji and sent him to Rangoon to die as unknown . British totally defeated Sikhs and ended their kingdom forever . But still india is tolerant . After 1857 revolt british killed many thousands of Indians .General Dyer ji did horrible massacre of Jalianwala killing hundreds of punjabies . But still India is tolerant . Kashmiri pandits had to migrate from Kashmir many number of times due to alleged atrocities on them . Sikander Butshikan ji in Kashmir did horrible atrocities on people . Kabali raiders did horrible atrocities on people of Baramulla in 1947 . But still India is tolerant .There are many more horrible examples world wide that show such things . But we should be thankful to God that despite all such horrible examples our India is still tolerant . In the name of hurt religious or other sentiments, we cannot prevent the emergence of a society that can think for itself and that can openly discuss the issues that confront it and that can effectively understand the massive process of change that it is undergoing . Are we to become a silent society? Can India become an intolerant and silent nation ? The answer is no and India will remain a tolerant and vibrant society . The content of the article has no bearing on any person or any organization and the author is guided by the motto , " THE ROYALE GUPTA WARRIORS NEVER FIGHT FOR THEMSELVES BUT FIGHT FOR A BIGGER CAUSE " Vande Matram and Jai Hind . |
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