Early Times Report
Jammu, Dec 12 : Orthopaedic Dr Bais Dev from Government Medical Collage and Hospital Jammu attended Continued Medical Education-2015 (CME) being organized by IOACON, at Jaipur. Including Dr Bais Dev, Dr Rajesh from ESCOM also participated in the CME. Invitation from IOACON, to the CME recognition to the work being done by these medicos. Dr Dev presently serving at GMCH, as Assistant Professor in department of Orthopaedic. IOACON 2015 is the annual meeting of the Indian Orthopaedic Association and in its 60th edition; it is being hosted in the city of Jaipur from December 9-14, 2015. More than 7000 eminent orthopaedic surgeons of national and international repute have been sharing their views and beliefs, their work and experiences, during scientific sessions, workshops, and CME. |