Early Times Report
Jammu, Dec 13: United School Teachers Association (USTA) today held meeting under the chairmanship of Hari Singh here at Green Belt Park Jammu. Speaking on the occasion, Singh criticized the policies of Central and State Government to privatize and commercialize education, which has resulted in deterioration in the serving and working conditions of teachers. Moreover it has resulted in deprivation of the vast masses from the basic education. USTA shows full solidarity with the demands and struggle launched by ReT Teachers and condemn the attitude of state Government for not conceding their genuine and long pending demands Viz. release of long pending salary of teachers working under SSA, RMSA and NPS, regularization of ReTs /KGBV teachers who have completed 5 years tenure, release of pending mid-day meal charges, implementation of transparent transfer policy in education department. He lambasted the State Government for not holding the DPC of Teachers to Masters, Masters to Headmasters and Lecturers and even class IV employees for long past. They further criticized the authorities for not releasing senior Teacher Grade in favour of under graduate teachers, clearing large no of permission and other routine work files of teachers pending in various offices of education department and engaging large no. of teachers in non-academic duties. Rajive Kumar, Roop Lal, Pardeep Singh, Shanti Saroop, Raj Kumar Noor Alam, Madan Singh and Nisar Mohd were also attended the meeting. |