Early Times Report
Jammu, Jan 7 : A meeting of Dogra Sadar Sabha (DSS) was held today at border town Arnia under the chairmanship of Dr. Raghubir Singh, Sarpanch where Chief Guest was DSS President and former Minister, Thakur Gulchain Singh Charak while Incharge DSS Youth Wing, Gambhir Singh Charak was present as special guest. A large number of prominent people of border areas, various Sarpanchs, Panchs, Lambardars, Chowkidars and Ex-servicemen participated in the meeting.On this occasion DSS penned down the agenda for the year 2016 which, inter-alia, included, to save Dogra culture and heritage to preserve brotherhood, steps will be taken for recognition and honour of the Dogra decorated soldiers, writers, artists, educa-tionaists', social activists and other unsung dogra heroes, effective steps will be taken to encourage youth to play their role for creating a neat and clean political atmosphere in the State, to struggle for restoring the powers of Panchayats by bringing 73rd and 74th amendments in Constitution, to support the cause of refugees of 1947, 1965 and 1971,to fulfill the demands of Lambardars, Chowkidars and Ex-Servicemen as per commitment of the government, justice to border residents, revival of Dogra history, proper development of pilgrim and tourism centres of Jammu region. Prominent among those who spoke on the occasion included Dr. O.P Saini, Waryam Chand, Dr. Raghubir Singh, Madan Lal Bhagat, Mehar Singh and others. |