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CIC directs for refunding of admission fees | | | Early Times Report
New Delhi, Jan 18: The Central Information Commission (CIC) has directed the H N B Gharwal University of Uttrakhand to impress upon a private college to refund the admission fees to a student who had paid the fees in one of the affiliated colleges of the university but had not attended the classes. The aggrieved student had used her right under RTI Act but was denied information by the university. She filed first appeal under RTI but was disappointed until she knocked the doors of CIC in New Delhi. Case details: Details available with Early Times reveal that Renuka, R/O Veerpur Khurd, Dehradun Uttrakhand state had filed an application under RTI Act 2005 before the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) of Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University District: Pauri Garhwal, Srinagar. The information seeker had sought information regarding Institute of Media Management Technology Rajpur road Dehradun about non refunding of her admission. The information seeker wanted to know the rules regarding the refund of fees of the student who had paid the fee but had not attended the college, copy of the documents concerning the recognition of the college and the University etc. The PIO of Gharwal University transferred the RTI application to the concerned institute, who had replied on 06.03.2014. Being unsatisfied, appellant filed First Appeal before the First Appellate Authority (FAA) . The FAA by his order dated 13.05.2014 directed the PIO to collect the information from the institute and provide the same to appellant ,Ms Renuka . In compliance of FAA Order, PIO replied on 20.06.2014 and denied to provide the information saying college is a private institute and cannot provide the information . Being unsatisfied, appellant approached CIC. While issuing the order, the CIC Prof Sridhar Acharyulu directed the PIO of University to ensure information is provided to appellant and her fees is refunded within 20 days. The order reads: "The Public Authority made their submissions. The respondent officer submitted that the information sought by the appellant related to a private institute affiliated to their university and the said institute clarified that they were not covered under the RTI, but sent the required information to them, on 10.3.2014. On the order of the First Appellate Authority, the Institute supplied the information to the appellant on 2062014. In brief, the said private institution has refused to refund the fee to the appellant, saying that this was the condition stipulated in the admission form, which was signed by the appellant at the time of admission. But the respondent authority (Gharwal University) had written to the said institution to refund the fee as per the norms of affiliation to their University. But so far they had not complied with the same. The Commission having heard the submissions and perused the record, directs the respondent authority to enforce the conditions of affiliation on the said Institute and get the refund to the appellant and the said institute, namely, Institute of Media, Management & Technology, Dehradun, which is also directed to refund the fee to the appellant as per the norms of affiliation, within 20 days from the date of receipt of this order. The appeal is disposed of accordingly". |
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