Jammu, Jan 18 : Taking cognizance of illegal mining on state land by some nefarious elements allegedly in connivance with the officials of the concerned government departments, the State Vigilance Commission (SVC) sought an Action Taken Report from the deputy commissioner, Udhampur. A complaint was lodged by Godawari Devi of Muttal, Udhampur, against Parshotam Singh, ex-employee of revenue department, of Tikri, Udhampur, regarding illegal extraction of stones and other valuable material from the state land bearing Khasra No 158 min, measuring about 18 kanals and 14 marlas at Muttal with active support of the officials of revenue, forest, geology and mining and some other related departments, resulting in huge loss to the state exchequer and considerable damage to the ecological balance of the area. Pursuing the complaint and the June 24, 2014 inquiry report prepared by the additional DC, Udhampur, SVC observed that the report prima-facie "discloses dereliction of duties and misconduct on the part of officers/officials of above mentioned departments, who instead of taking any legal action against the accused, as being custodians of the state property, facilitated him in illegal mining in league with each other amounting to misuse of official position and criminal breach of trust on the part of the public servants. Taking serious note of the illegal drainage of public resources, SVC asked the Udhampur DC to explain what action had been taken on outcome of the inquiry earlier conducted by the additional DC, Udhampur, in the matter. He was also directed to submit the compliance report to the commission by or before the next date of hearing. (JNF)