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The only way to clean India | | | Sunaina Malik
No doubt that man is the superior mortal of whole globe. He has dominated all biotic and abiotic components of our universe. Through different observation and experiments he has revolutionized the life on earth. Electronic machines made by him have presented an alternative to human strength and labour. Man has even bought remarkable changes and development in the fields of Medicine, Astrology and Agriculture. But this man, who has almost taken control over the lives of other living creatures of the world, is facing an alarming danger of destruction of his species due to the alarming rise in pollution. Irony is this pollution is caused by man himself. Today the air we are breathing in, is diluted, the housing colonies we are dwelling in, are dumped with heaps of Polythene bags, kitchen refuse and other waste products, the food we are eating in, is mixed with harmful chemicals, the water we are taking in, is infected with disease causing germs. No doubt, the government from time to time comes up with big schemes of cleaning India. Recently launched programme of Savach Bharat has also inspired large section of Indian society towards their role in making India clean. Though Modi government has spent lakhs of rupees in awaring people regarding the mission of Savach Bharat. But sorry to say, still our markets are over dumped with polythene refuse, still our drains are blocked with dirty refusal of houses and shops, still every street corner is presenting an embaracing picture of heap of dirt and disease causing Mosquitoes and flies, still city refusal is dumped in open, still our market places, school and office premises, Hospitals and parks are devoid of sufficient number of dustbins, still people spit and urine in open inspite of toilet facilities, still public toilets are devoid of sufficient water supply and still rains become the cause of spread of epidemic because of waste blocked in innumerable drains of Indian housing colonies. As we all know that every religion of world has given supreme importance to personal as well as societal cleaning. (1) Importance of cleanliness in Islam-Quran in Surat Al Baqarah 2.222 says Truely Allah lovelth those who turn unto Him and loveth those who have care of cleaness. Quran in another place says----- Where in are men who have to purify themselves. Allah loves the purifier (Al Tawbah9.108). According to another quote from(Sahih Muslim) Cleanliness is not only a tenet and requirement of Islam but also form a principal branch of it. As per one more Hadith- Cleanliness is half faith. (2)Importance of cleanliness in Hinduism- According to chapter 13.8 of Bhagvat Gita- cleanliness is essential for making advancement in spiritual life. Chapter 13 of Bhagavat Gita further tells us about ten values of a good human. Amid these qualities 'Saucam' means internal and external cleanliness, is also one of them. (3)As per Christianity -Psalm51.7Cleanliness is not next to godliness. It's part of it. Spiritual washing is parallel of physical washing. Dirt is parallel of sin. Here I want to emphasise that almost every Indian society is dominated by their respective religion and above mentioned facts from different religious books proved that personal as well as surrounding cleanliness is a religious activity. One can never be complete in his or her religion if he or she does not contribute towards their personal and societal cleanliness. In today's scenario when pollution has become a challenge. Following are the most practical and innovative ways which can ensure pollution free India for us. (1) India is known for her innumerable religious building like Temples, Mosques, Gurudawaras, Churches and innumerable trust working under these religious institutions and we are also aware of the fact that construction, development and maintenance of these institution depends upon the private funds raised from public. There are committees in every Mohalla or colony which collect the funds and perform the work of construction of religious buildings under the impression of their religious duty. As cleanliness is also a religious duty so these Mohalla level committees should also raise funds for the cleanliness of their respective colonies. I am sure every one will contribute for the cleanliness of their surrounding open heartedly. These committees can utilize these funds for(1) purchasing large number of dustbins which they could install in front of every house, shops in the area, in street corner, in parks and play grounds.(2)employing at least 5 workers over 50 houses. They are ordered to collect all the small dustbins and dump them in big one. (3)The left over funds can be utilize for digging of a deep pit out side the city which should be used for dumping of city refusal. The pit should be made with covering facilities (4)The employees of this Mohalla level committee are also directed to monitor the people of area concerned whether they are putting the waste inside the dust bin installed or not. They should be given powers to stop any person who is polluting the area by spiting, urinating or throwing kitchen refuse in open or inside the drain of the area. (5)The employees of this committee should also ensure proper supply of water in public toilets of the area concerned. Similar method should also be adopted for markets, offices, hospitals, factories and industrial areas In the conclusion, I would like to say that first Mohalla, then city, then state and then our striking India will become hygienic and we would be able to breathe in Savach Bharat. |
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