Early Times Report Jammu, Feb 17: High court registrar general M K Hanjura has ordered transfers and postings of Judicial Officers. Mohammad Ibrahim Wani, Principal District and Sessions Judge, Budgam, is transferred and posted as Additional District and Sessions Judge, Handwara, vice Shazia Tabsum who is posted as Presiding Officer, Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, Srinagar, replacing Mohammad Yousuf Wani who goes to Budgam as as Principal District and Sessions Judge. Naveen Jamwal, additional Mobile Magistrate (Traffic), Jammu, is transferred and posted as Munsiff, Mahore, against an available vacancy. While Arti Devi, Munsiff, Sunderbani, is transferred and posted in the Jammu wing of high court against a Leave Reserve Post, Munsiff, Kalakote, shall hold the court of Munsiff, Sunderbani, for three days in a week to be identified by the Principal District and Sessions Judge, Rajouri. The registrar general also ordered that in supersession of earlier order No 1200 of March 28, 2012 and order No 269 of July 2, 2014 of high court, the place of sitting of the court of Additional Special Mobile Magistrate, Khaltsi, shall be at Leh with effect from May 1 to October 31every year, with the rider that the presiding officer shall hold the court at Khaltsi once in a fortnight during the period provided above. In another order, the high court ordered that Sikender Azam, District Judge, is deemed to have been promoted notionally from the date the officers junior to him have been inducted into the cadre of the district judges by promotion from amongst Sub Judges/Civil Judge (Senior Division). He would stand below Ashok Kumar and above Mohan Singh Parihar in the order of the seniority of district judges, the order said. —JNF |