Early Times Report
Jammu, Feb 21: Assn for Welfare of Senior Citizens (AWSC) today organized an awareness program, about problems faced by Senior Citizens in our changing society as also the duties and responsibilities of younger generation towards their elders, in collaboration with Mahant Bachitar Singh College of Engg. and Tech (MBSCET), Jammu. According to press release, management, faculty, and students of MBSCET actively participated in the program. Sardar Rangil Singh, Chairman MBSCET presided over the function. Prof S K Badyal Principal welcomed the gathering and the guests which included Lakhbir Singh Baba, office bearers and members of AWSC, faculty and students of the college. Er A K Arora, President AWSC, spoke on the occasion explaining the need of such programs and steps taken by the central and state government to mitigate the problems faced by elderly people, as also the role of Senior Citizens' Associations and the society in particular. On behalf of AWSC, Er A K Koul , who along with Preeti Koul and Shreeya conducted the program, thanked the management, faculty, students for their active participation. He also thanked the guests and members of AWSC. He expressed his sincere gratitude to Rangil Singh for sparing his precious time to grace the occasion. |