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Choosing Right Career: The Teen Dilemma
2/22/2016 11:32:01 PM
Dr. Pragya Khanna

After passing out of
the tenth standard,
the students in India have to deal with the pressure of choosing a particular subject stream for the Plus Two level. After plus two results are out the burning issue among the parents and their wards is which course and what college to opt for? This is one of the vital decisions which can shape one's life if the choice is correct. If the first step towards the right career is not made suitably that shall ruin one's life. In fact the problem is that in most cases the parents and students don't know how to pick up a right career. Most of the students and parents select a course or college by the minimum information they have got by interaction with friends, colleagues and relatives; some students fancy a particular course or college because their friends have opted for that or because one of their cousins has done well in that field, they choose a career without evaluating their own strength, aptitude, attitude, abilities, awareness and interests. The parents generally look at the pulse of the market and the current prospective and trend in the job scenario and they advise their children to opt for a particular stream. Many a times, a choice of such type is felt incorrect both by the parents and the student towards the close of one year of the course, when the student finds himself not as interested in the subject, a low performer in the class or not finding himself/herself attuned with the institution etc. etc.
Moreover, there is a general belief among masses that Science is the finest subject, compared to Humanities or even Commerce. There is also a common thought in our society that the best students opt for Science and Math. In fact, brilliance and intellect is not the exclusive preserve of any particular area. It is necessary to look at the talent, approach, skill, capability and knowledge of the child and then a proper choice should be made. The parents should study the academic growth of the child and find out the areas where the child is weak and strong. Most of us select a course which is of high demand, and this course is a high premium course either because majority students got placement during the last academic year or it has been labeled as cool by all forms of notions, whims, family preferences, peer pressure and fads. For instance, there is an excellent trend towards engineering, medicine and management profession these days; however, these should be considered only if one has a temperament and liking for them. Otherwise, we must consider the repercussions of selecting a wrong career? The person in a wrong field will never enjoy his work and will be in a continuous agony. He/she will have everything but no mental peace, develop stress levels and will keep doubting his/her confidence levels.
Today, a number of innovative and modern arenas have come up in all areas of higher education where one can excel if one is on the right track. Furthermore, it is essential for a student that he/she is an active participant in this decision-making process. Career decision-making begins with you, your understanding of the world around you, and your capacity to realize what is important to you. Your interests are the things that you like to do. Some people have hobbies like cooking or gardening. These hobbies might transfer to a career as a chef or landscape designer that can fetch you good money along with recognition and fame. Careers that have a close match to your interests are usually more rewarding and gratifying.
Furthermore, the parents must really listen to the youngster and resist the temptation to provide unsolicited advice. If your teen is struggling to make a decision, provide respect and support instead of trying to direct your teen's future in your own way. This is the time for them to learn to develop decision-making and problem-solving skills. Many a times parents are heard making remarks like, "No, you may not quit the Science stream. I've spent years wishing to see you become an engineer" or "No, you may not join journalism. It is a tough field for girls, I'll help you attain higher education, but only if you become a teacher." or "The men in our family have been doctors for three generations. You'll be one too". "You've got to do MBA and take over the family business so your dad can retire."
On the other hand it has been observed that lack of family involvement in teen's lives effects career choice as well. Teens whose families don't support their interest in career exploration or a particular career path are equally less able to make good career decisions. It is imperative for the parents and the rest of the family to provide assistance, become role models or offer useful guidance as and when required without pressurizing and compelling. However, teens should keep in mind that a brochure may look different from reality; on average youngsters get tempted to opt for a certain institution or a course by just seeing the alluring advertisement, here is a note of caution. Never take the claims of flashy ads in newspapers and other media at their face value. More often than not, they are issued by fly-by-night operators to draw unsuspecting, naïve and innocent students. It is very important to find out the status of these institutions before taking any step further.
Another class of students is the one who are not able to make it up in a particular entrance test or are unable to seek admission in some course of their choice due to one or other reason. As a result they feel dejected, depressed and do not find themselves concentrate anymore. Most of us find failure traumatic because it hits our egos and leaves us with lowered levels of self-worth. But failure taken positively can take our lives to newer, more fulfilling paths. Perhaps Henry Ford put it best, "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." As I said earlier there is no dearth of worthwhile fields to pursue, the only need is to develop interest, enthusiasm, put hard work and perseverance into it and one can reach heights.
There are many other students who do not want to pursue University education and want to start earning early in life, they can go for various vocational Courses available in polytechnic colleges, explore trades and entrepreneurship, own their own businesses and so on .
In the end the most significant aspect comes when a student is selected to a course/college of his/her choice and the college is outside the home town. It is a time when the parents have to prepare him/her to be self-sufficient away from home. This includes educating them about pros and cons regarding present-day issues like dating, drugs, alcohol and sex, as well as mastering day-to-day living skills (cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, paying bills, and above all managing their budget). Money tempts us to spend impulsively. Sometimes this can lead to debt problems. If you learn how to manage money as a teen, you will know how to live within your means. You will also be able to plan and save toward a bigger goal.
Therefore, several factors contribute to how adolescents and their parents make wise decisions on the matter of career choice. Parents who place emphasis on responsibility, dedication and work ethic likely leave a good impression on their children's future. Nevertheless all good parents have in common a desire for their children to be happy. Work is a large part of modern life, one that most teens hope to be happy with when they begin their careers. Work with teens now to help them pinpoint their interests and talents, and watch their careers blossom later!
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