Kathua, Feb 26 : The convener of State Committee of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao S.S.Bijral today organizes a seminar on the theme of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao here at Government college for women Kathua. According to press release, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Neeva Jain was the chief guest while Dr Sangeeta Ajawat of District Hospital Kathua and principal of college, Prof Satinder Singh were guests of honour. Speaking on the occasion, Neeva Jain, lauded efforts being made by project executioners towards ending centuries old bias against girl child in India. She called upon them to stand firm against dowry, the main evil leading to female feticide; the security another strong reason for parents to be worried about their daughters and anti- girl child feeling when she urged them to be strong and prepared. She called upon them to bring a mindset change through resolve and acts, which society needs. Convener of State Committee S. S. Bijral said bias against girl child was misplaced result of ignorance . Quoting Guru Nanak; "Is jag mein purakh ek hai, hore sagli naar sabayee" meaning there is only One male -God, rest all are females, he said it is to sustain nature, God out of bisexuals turned some females and others male and other sex organs staying suppressed In both, to perform different role.