Nationalism, BJP-style under attack | JNU of secessionists | | Early Times Report jammu, Mar 11: No one had ever expected that the people would start questioning the very nationalistic credentials of the BJP, but it has been happening. It's not only that the fake secular parties like the Congress, the CPI, the CPI-M, the JDU, the RJD and the NCP, which are defending whatever has been happening in Jawaharlal Nehru University, particularly since February 9, are questioning the kind of nationalism the BJP believes in and has been preaching. Even former diplomats, Army commanders and top RAW officials have started attacking the BJP, saying they are totally disappointed by the manner in which the BJP-led NDA Government has been dealing with the JNU seditionists, some teachers and students included. They want the Government of India to act against the JNU seditionists and uphold the Indian Constitution and Indian Penal Code, which do not permit anti-State activities on the Indian soil. What has provoked these concerned Indians to tear into the BJP is the long rope that the Union Government has given to the teachers and students of JNU, which is not a private university and which is funded by the Central Government. Their grouse is that the authorities have not taken a single step to reign in those who organized anti-India event on February 9 and who have been organizing such events after the conditional release of seditionist Kanhaiya Kumar from Tihar Jail, Delhi. Another grouse of theirs is that the BJP has been shielding those Kashmiri anti-nationals who created an ugly scene on the campus on February 9 by raising such slogans as "Kashmir ki azadi tak, jung rahey gi, jung rahey gi", "Bharat ki barbadi tak, jung rahey gi, jung rahey gi", "Bharat tere tukre, tukre honge, Insah allah, Insah allah" and so on. Yet another grouse of theirs is that the BJP Government didn't act against JNU lady teacher Nivedita Menon, who only the other day dismissed India as an imperialist country, batted for Kashmir's, Manipur's, Nagaland's independence, charged the Indian Army of occupying 30 to 40 per cent of the country's territory to suppress the people there and violate their human rights and denounced as draconian the AFSPA. What she said during debate on nationalism in the JNU was watched by all the Indians, but it evoked no response from the Union Government. Yet another grouse of theirs is that Kanhaiyia Kumar, who was released on bail for six months, accused the Army of committing rape on Kashmiri women. He attacked the Army on March 9. Earlier, he had ridiculed the Indian State, the Prime Minister and who not and declared that he will continue to indulge in activities he had been indulging since years. Had such things happened in any country of the world, the State machinery had by now eliminated Menon, Kumar and their ilk and established the authority of the State. But the BJP-led NDA Government only soft-peddled and the result is that the anti-nationals in the JNU are intensifying their break and hate-India activities by the day. It appears JNU is not part of India; it is like an island where only the writ of anti-nationals and secessionists run. This policy of the BJP will not do; it has to cleanse the JNU of all anti-nationals and this is what the outraged former Army commanders, former diplomats and former RAW official long for. It is also time for the Delhi High Court to cancel the bail of Kumar and try him and others under the charge of sedition on a priority basis. For, things in the JNU have turned extremely alarming and the developments which have been taking place in the JNU are creating adverse impact on other educational institutions. |