Early Times Report
JAMMU, Mar 12: In a case of corruption, vigilance organisation, Kashmir, (VOK), today produced challan against a nursing orderly (NO) in the court of additional anti-corruption judge, Anantnag, Rajive Gupta. The challan of case FIR No 15/2012 was produced in the court against NO Abdul Hamid Bhat, son of Ghulam Ahmad Bhat of Kathsoo Sellar, Anantang. VOK had registered the case on the basis of allegations of misappropriation of funds on account of auction of trees, hospital development funds and NRHM funds by the officials of Mirza Mohammad Afzal Beigh Hospital, Anantang. It was further alleged that the NO, who was then functioning as incharge of Registration Section, misused his position and dishonestly and fraudulently misappropriated Rs 15,79,530 collected towards hospital development funds between June 2010 to August 31, 2011, according to official sources. During investigation, it became known that the NO, who was supposed to deposit Rs 59,92,180 as incharge Registration Section, deposited only Rs 46,72,650 with the concerned incharge/bank and remaining amount of Rs 13,19,530 was misappropriated by him, sources alleged. The NO was also alleged to have falsified documents by making insertions in various bank receipts, thereby managing to show deposits of amount in excess of Rs 2,60,000 vis-a-vis actual deposits in the official bank account No 21005/SB during the said period. Sources said the investigation of the case was finally concluded as proved against the NO and after the accord of government sanction for launching prosecution, the challan of the case was produced in the court today for judicial determination. |